PM supported the Global Footprint Network (GFN) in marking Earth Overshoot Day, which this year fell on August 22nd – several weeks later than previous ones due the economic slow-down enforced by Covid-19. A negative driver, rather than a positive shift towards sustainability. But what that showed is that it is possible to slow our current relentless depletion of our planet’s resources and ecosystems. GFN identified five positive ‘solution pillars’ for doing so, addressing population being one: if every other family had one fewer child than currently projected and if we delayed parenthood by just two years, then Overshoot Day would be moved back by 49 days by 2050. Polemicist and pundit George Monbiot clearly didn’t acquaint himself with those facts before writing his recent opinion piece in The Guardian attacking any individual or organisation raising the issue of population as one of the key factors driving our global ecological crisis. The latest in a series by Monbiot making serious allegations against what he derides as ‘population obsessives’, including PM. We’ve responded (see below), rebutting his offensive insinuations. Monbiot seems unlikely to change his position – he’s never replied to our numerous, polite requests to meet and better understand each other’s perspectives. In that, he fulfils William Blake’s wonderful epigram, “The man who never alters his opinions is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.” Hence, like GFN, we must focus on building the evidence base underpinning our concerns, ensuring our arguments are robust and stand up to reasonable challenge. The research we’re seeking to commission with the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) at Cambridge focuses on that. CSER will examine whether it’s possible to bend down the population growth curve from the projected c. 11 billion people on Earth by 2100 to a smaller number than currently through positive, ethical solutions. We believe it is. Having solid evidence from a respected academic body will hugely strengthen our case with policy makers, and those striving to enable a greater proportion of people to enjoy better, sustainable lives within our planet’s boundaries. Thank you to all of you who have already donated to our appeal to fund this research. If you haven’t already, then please do consider supporting this vital work. - Robin Maynard, Director, Population Matters