Population and consumption causing extinction crisis and water shortage
The latest UN Global Resources Outlook report reveals that natural resource extraction and processing is responsible for 90% of water stress and biodiversity loss and is driven by the combination of rapid population and economic growth.
The United Kingdom is already one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, yet the onslaught on our natural environment is showing no signs of slowing. Two key new reports demonstrate that UK wildlife and freshwater sources face a dire future unless urgent action is taken to protect them.
A new report shows that adolescents are more likely to use contraception when women and men are more equal in their society. The authors argue that achieving safer sex among teenagers requires work to overturn sexist policies, expectations and attitudes.
Population Matters has written to the UK minister for the environment to ask him to press for human population growth to be addressed in plans to update the key international agreement to tackle biodiversity loss. Our call comes as two further significant scientific studies have been published identifying population growth as drivers of extinctions.
The Last Elephant in the Room: our 2019 conference
If you would like to attend our conference on human population and the sixth mass extinction in London on Saturday 27 April, please ensure you register soon. It's filling up fast with already over 500 registered attendees!