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News from Population Matters.

  • A warning, an apology and a promise

    Decades as a medical professional and environmental activist makes Population Matters’ Patron John Guillebaud well placed to talk about population and the need for voluntary family planning and women’s education.

  • A positive nuisance

    This September, our Executive Director, Robin Maynard, will be moving on to pastures new after leading the organisation for seven years. Here, we are posting a recent interview he did with creative agency Made Thought.

  • A new report, an online event and awards aplenty

    World Population Day is always our busiest day of the year, and 2023 was no different. After taking a couple of days to decompress, we wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

  • World Population Day 2023: Change Champions

    To mark World Population Day 2023, we are once again giving awards to a new group of inspirational change-makers!

  • People power not state power – population policies that work 

    We take a look at some of the population policies around the world which gave people choices and improved their lives.

  • Space to Live: A Journey of Discovery

    Over 19 minutes, Nastaran Rahnama tells a beautiful story detailing her journey to discover the extent of our human impact on the natural world.

  • The fight for abortion rights in the US

    Today, the 24 June, marks one year since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States. In this guest post, Grace Long of the US-based organisation Population Connection takes us through the devastating impact on millions of Americans.

  • When will the contraception burden be equally shared?

    The overwhelming burden for contraception still lies with the female partner. The development of male alternatives (aside from condoms and vasectomies) has been slow, due in no small part to a mindset that wants to protect men from the kind of side effects that have impacted women for decades.

  • The plague of plastic, but new global treaty brings hope

    Did you know that nearly 80% of plastics end up in landfill or the ocean? That’s why this year, World Environment Day turns its focus to plastics and the practical solutions needed to solve this global problem. We asked John Higginson, editor-in-chief of Plastic Free Post, to tell us more.

  • Pronatalism in the UK: should we be worried?

    The recent NatCon convention attracted a lot of newspaper column inches and backbencher Miriam Cates made a bit of a splash with a speech focusing on the importance of having children. Is there anything to be wary about here?