This has been a difficult year for humanity and our hearts go out to all who have been severely affected by the pandemic. Despite the restrictions caused by the virus, thanks to our supporters and the smart use of technology, we were able to make 2020 our most successful year so far. World Population Day 2019 (pre-Covid) manifested PM’s global reach with events held in New York, Lagos and London. For 2020, despite all travel being curtailed, our live online panel discussion brought together panellists from Africa, America, India and the UK with participants from around the world. We were delighted to see our patrons Sir David Attenborough and Chris Packham present major BBC and Netflix programmes addressing population challenges and solutions (see below). Our message is cutting through, with media coverage achieved in 17 nations, more than 11,000 people from over 25 countries taking part in our online campaign actions, and our website engaging 850,000 visitors from 230 nations. Many thanks to you, as one of our supporters. It is a huge boost to all of us in the team to know that a growing body of people understand and back us in taking up the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. After everything we’ve faced this year it can be difficult to believe in a future where humans can thrive in balance with nature, but if you feel able to at this time, becoming a member will help make it possible. And don’t forget to enter our prize competition to win a signed copy of Chris Packham's new book Back to Nature – the perfect reminder of our essential connection to Earth for the coming year. With all best wishes for as good and safe holidays as possible, - Robin Maynard, Director, Population Matters