As per the old adage, ‘fine words butter no parsnips’. At least not on their own, which is why PM supports grassroots projects and individuals across the world focused on empowering people to improve their lives and local environments through our Empower to Plan (E2P) programme. I am particularly proud of the support we and you, our supporters, are providing to three current E2P projects KOMB GREEN Solutions and Ghettoh Clean Youth Group working in the slums of Nairobi, as well as Jiwsi providing family planning and life-choices advice to vulnerable young women in North Wales. Along with my colleague, Florence, we were welcomed into those Nairobi slum communities to hear and learn first-hand about the challenges faced and overcome by young women and mothers. Greater educational opportunities, access to safe contraception options, and making their immediate environment cleaner and greener were their expressed wishes. Exactly what KOMB GREEN and Ghettoh Clean are providing, with our and your support - and in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak. It is humbling and shaming for those of us living in a rich, developed country to find hotspots of deprivation and unmet need here in the UK too, as being tackled in North Wales by Jiwsi in the face of declining funding. Judy Ling Wong, Honorary President of the Black Environment Network and a member of our Expert Advisory Group, paid PM a great compliment in the interview she gave for our latest magazine: "Everything Population Matters does, as I see it, is actually focused on the love of the human being, its quality of life, and its survival into the future." Empower to Plan proves that motivation in practice. - Robin Maynard, Director, Population Matters |