Fundraising: Pop a bun in the oven!

Our latest fundraising activity! The Population Matters team has come together to create a bakers’ dozen of thirteen authentic home-baking recipes from our own kitchens which we would love to share with you! Some bakes are savoury, some are sweet (just like us)!

The bakes come from all over the world: Africa, the USA, Asia, Europe, and Australia, and include traditional biscuits and cakes, vegan options, stove top pancakes, fudge, a savoury pasta bake, and more. Our staff range from novice to amateur bakers (so everything is easy to make), and we have shared old family recipes and favourite dishes from our travels which we hope you will enjoy.

The pack of 13 recipe cards is available for digital download for a small donation of just £5.

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There is no commitment to do so but we hope you may consider going one step further and perhaps raise some funds for Population Matters with your baking. You could hold a coffee and cake morning at home, bring some bakes into work and take a breakroom collection, or even sell a few bakes from a stall at a local event such as a spring, summer or even Christmas fair.

The Pop a Bun in the Oven fundraising pack includes 13 recipes, an introduction from our fundraising team and even tips on how to ‘(fund)raise your bakes!’. What’s more, we are only a phone call or email away to help you plan your fundraiser. You can set up your own online fundraising page on our website which will even allow people to make donations for your bakes using a card payment.

Sample recipe free download

Please click the sample recipe download below to download a free sample recipe card to make chocolate and cereal nest cakes. Yum!


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