Leaving a gift in your will
You can leave the planet a great legacy. Will you pledge to keep population on the agenda, beyond your lifetime?
Population Matters is the world’s leading population charity. A future in which nature and future generations thrive in harmony is possible. Please consider leaving a legacy to Population Matters in your will.

A gift in your will would make a direct contribution to our vision of a sustainable human population, for the benefit of people and planet.
“I want to ensure help is given to charities which will benefit my grandchildren and great grandchildren’s generations in the future world we bequeath them.”
David H., Population Matters Supporter
The ultimate gift
Legacy gifts now comprise the backbone of our income. They have enabled us to make progress with the United Nations, and to find amazing partners across the world – most recently, in Nigeria, to develop the population conversation. However, there is much more to do, and we need your support.
Your legacy will help us to make our vision a reality. For as long as we need to, we will do everything we can to ensure that population is a global issue, tackled globally.
“Everything that Population Matters does, as I see it, is actually focussed on the love of the human being, its quality of life and its survival into the future.”
Judy Ling Wong, Patron
It is important to seek professional advice when writing your will or updating an existing will. You can find a legal professional near you via The Law Society, or for more general information about making a will, visit www.gov.uk/make-will.
Gifts in wills to UK registered charities like ours are free from inheritance tax and if you give over 10 per cent of your estate to charitable causes, you can benefit from a discounted inheritance tax rate of 36% across the remainder of your estate.
Whatever bequest you choose to make to Population Matters, please use the following details:
Population Matters
The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY, UK
Registered Charity No.: 1114109
“In my lifetime alone the population of the world has increased threefold. The future looks bleak, with countries increasingly likely to fight over declining finite resources of land, water and minerals. In the United Kingdom, the population has grown over 30 per cent; the effects in terms of urban blight and sprawl are apparent everywhere. If one’s life is to have any meaning it should be devoted to leaving some benefit, however small. That is why I shall leave a bequest to Population Matters and why I urge others to do the same.”
John C., Population Matters Supporter
Please let us know
If you do choose to leave a legacy to Population Matters, please let us know, because it helps us to plan for the future. Please email supporters@populationmatters.org. Thank you very much for your kind generosity.
If you have any questions or would like more information about leaving a legacy to Population Matters, please contact Emma Bowles, Individual Giving and Legacies Manager, on 020 4552 5115 or at emma.bowles@populationmatters.org