Family Planning in Australia & New Zealand
Population Matters believes that everybody should have equal access to sexual and reproductive health education and services. This directory can help you to find family planning resources and services across Australia and New Zealand.

Family Planning Clinics & Services in Australia
Sexual and reproductive health advice and services for people of all ages across Australia.
Family Planning Alliance Australia Sexual and reproductive health services and education across Australia.
Family Planning New South Wales Family planning clinics and information located in New South Wales.
Family Planning Tasmania Providing family planning clinics and advice in Tasmania, along with a text message-based service that distributes free condoms.
Family Planning Victoria Clinics, advice and information in Victoria, Australia.
Play Safe Information and education about contraceptives, specifically for young people.
Sexual Health Quarters Sexual and reproductive health clinics, information and resources in Western Australia.
Shine SA Providing family planning information and resources for those located in Southern Australia.
Strong Families Safe Kids Clinic information and sex education services located in Tasmania.
True Relationships & Reproductive Health Family planning clinics, education and resources in Queensland, Australia.
Family Planning Clinics & Services in New Zealand
Find some of the services available to you if you live in New Zealand.
Bay of Plenty District Health Board Use this website to find sexual clinics in the Bay of Plenty local area.
Just the Facts Information for young people about sexual health and sexually transmitted infections, as well as a directory of clinics across New Zealand.
Nelson Marlborough Health Sexual healthcare options across the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions of New Zealand.
New Zealand Family Planning Information about family planning services across New Zealand, including a directory of clinics available in each region.
New Zealand Sexual Health Society A directory of sexual health clinics available nationwide.
Northland Family Planning Family planning information and clinics in Northland, New Zealand.
Waikato District Health Board Information about the services available in Waikato.
“Educating and empowering women and girls and providing family planning information enables more people to choose the size of their families. And choosing to have fewer children is one of the most important choices we can make.” – Dame Jane Goodall