Family Planning in India
Population Matters believes that everybody should have equal access to sexual and reproductive health education and services. This directory can help you to find family planning resources and services available in India.

Family Planning Clinics & Services in India
Sexual and reproductive health advice and services for people of all ages across India.
Family Planning Association of India Delivering sexual health and reproductive services across 18 states in India.
Foundation for Reproductive Health Services India A non-governmental organisation providing clinical family planning services across India.
Government of Assam Health & Family Welfare Providing information about family planning and contraceptive options for those located in Assam.
Jyothi Reproductive Health Care Centers Sexual and reproductive health care clinics and education across 18 districts, with a focus on providing safe abortion services and information.
SNEHA A non-governmental organisation providing family planning information, education and health services to women and children in Mumbai.
“Educating and empowering women and girls and providing family planning information enables more people to choose the size of their families. And choosing to have fewer children is one of the most important choices we can make.” – Dame Jane Goodall