Local Groups

Our Local Groups in the United Kingdom promote population concern and sustainability within their communities. If you would like to be put in touch with your nearest local group or find out about starting one in your area, get in touch.

In addition to Local Groups we also have Local Active Members. These are members who are happy to act as a point of contact and talk about population and Population Matters. Some carry out LG activities when the opportunity arises, such as reaching out to local politicians and people at meetings of all types, sending letters to newspapers, reaching out to local radio stations etc. If there is enough support Local Active Members could expand into a Local Group.


The London Group organises speaker meetings throughout the year covering population-related topics. Currently, these meetings are held online. We run stalls at various events across London as well as participating in activities in support of Population Matters’ campaigns. Every month we produce an email update highlighting special topics of interest and detailing how to join meetings and campaign activities.   

Please consider joining us to learn more about population issues and to help spread the word. Email the London Co-ordinator, Martin Earl, at londongroup@populationmatters.org to go on our email list for free and join the 700 plus supporters who have already done so.

If there is no Population Matters group where you live you are very welcome to join and take part in our zoom events.

You can also follow us on Twitter (@PopnMattersLnd) and Instagram (@pmlondongroup).

High Wycombe

The High Wycombe group meets a few times annually in the Friends Meeting House. The group welcomes new members, ideas and input into its campaigns. Focus is on showing films and presentations to the general public as a means to promote family planning services worldwide. We also work closely with other local environmental organisations.

Contact: highwycombegroup@populationmatters.org

Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/PopulationHW and on Facebook www.facebook.com/populationmatters.highwycombe/


We have about 12 active members and more who are interested. Our activities are enjoyable and the public is interested and very supportive. We are having some influence despite our numbers and we welcome more members who share our interests and concerns.

Our activities include, holding stalls, meeting with influential stakeholders like MPs, attending Freshers’ Fairs in Luton and Hatfield Universities and designing vivid innovative messages. We have co-operated with Transition St Albans on their Sustainable St Albans Week, and joined the mass demonstration in London against climate change where several of us met with our MP’s, published letters in national and local newspapers. We always make it clear that the solutions we seek are humane and positive. Contact: hertsgroup@populationmatters.org


“The Reading group held its first meeting in February 2014 and meets at regular intervals. The aim of the group is to promote greater awareness and understanding of population and sustainability within the RG postcode area. The group works alongside the Greater Reading Environmental Network and seeks to engage with its members as well as other community and voluntary organizations in the district.

The Reading Group looks to provide speakers for other organizations, including schools. In addition, it is active in writing letters to local papers and communicating with MPs and Local Councillors’ about population.  In particular we highlight the population pressures on housing, schools and roads and the problems of dealing with flooding, traffic congestion and overstretched local resources.”

Contact: readinggroup@populationmatters.org


The Guildford group aims to spread the word about population issues by making the best use of our contacts in voluntary organizations such as Zonta, Humanists, schools & colleges, business organisations and NGOs such as the Green PartyCPRE and Transition Network. The group has a track record of providing speakers for meetings with an audience size ranging from a handful of people to a hall full of A-level students. Group members also speak at and take stalls to fairs and other public events at which they try to focus on local issues to make their presentations relevant to local people.

The Guildford group welcomes PM members from across the GU postcode area, which covers from Bracknell in the north, down to Petersfield in the south, Alton in the west and across to Bookham in the east.

Contact: guildfordgroup@populationmatters.org 

Population Matters Local Groups
Population Matters Local Groups


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