
News from Population Matters.

  • Shopping advert

    Worst Black Friday Deals for The Planet

    It’s Black Friday – when prices are slashed and hyper-consumerism goes into overdrive. But while other lists detail the best Black Friday deals on offer, here we examine the biggest environmental costs to the planet.

  • Abandoned industry

    What are the criticisms of degrowth?

    We continue our series exploring alternative economic models. Here in the second part of our series on Degrowth, a model that calls for deliberately reducing energy and resource consumption within the economy, we examine the criticisms of degrowth.

  • Wind renewable energy

    Degrowth: Rethinking Our Economic Future

    The concept of Degrowth challenges the conventional belief that endless economic growth is the only thing to strive for. It offers a vision for a sustainable future by addressing the environmental and social costs of growth-focused economies.

  • Voices from COP16: Empowering Women, Conservation and Community in Colombia

    Isabella Cortes is CEO of Women for Conservation, a valued partner of Population Matters. Here she shares her transformative experience at COP16 in Cali, Colombia. From empowering rural women leaders to spotlighting the critical link between family planning and conservation, her reflections highlight the power of grassroots action.

  • Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

    Beyond Profit: An Introduction to the Solidarity Economy

    In a world where economic growth often overshadows community and environmental well-being, the concept of the “solidarity economy” offers a refreshing perspective. Unlike traditional models focused on profit maximisation and market competition, the solidarity economy emphasises cooperation, social equity and ecological sustainability.

  • Climate Anxiety

    Why do societies not respond to climate change as they should?

    Despite awareness of the impending crisis, humanity’s emissions continue to climb, pushing the planet toward catastrophic warming. In today’s guest blog, climate change economist and writer Graeme Maxton considers the greatest problem of our age.

  • Cafe scene

    Can social capitalism Fix Our System?

    Social capitalism is an approach that prioritises people’s welfare over profit. It’s capitalism with a focus on improved social outcomes and more environmental sustainability. But can capitalism be adapted to put people and planet before profit? 

  • Local Economy

    Local Economy: Strengthening Communities with Sustainable Growth

    The Local Economy focuses on fostering sustainable growth, creating job opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life within a specific community or region. This approach strengthens communities’ economies by supporting local businesses, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.  

  • Nature’s Decline Deepens: Insights from the Living Planet Report 2024

    The Living Planet Report 2024 reveals that wildlife populations have dropped 73% on average since 1970. It warns that national governments are failing to meet biodiversity targets and calls for an urgent need to transform our current economic and food systems, but it only skirts around the issue of continued global population growth.

  • Rethinking Prosperity: How the Care Economy Redefines Success

    How can we reorient economies to prioritise people and the planet over profit? The Care Economy is one such reimagining, that values human wellbeing and sustainability above traditional profit-driven approaches, which undervalue and neglect care work.