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News from Population Matters.

  • UK Population banner

    Population in the UK – grow, grow, grow

    New population and migration figures from the Office for National Statistics show no sign of an end to UK population growth. Read our statement.

  • Black Friday: Waste or Want?

    For Black Friday many stores slash prices leading to one of the busiest shopping days of the year. But what about the environmental impact?

  • Contraceptives banner

    “The best decision of my life”: The men who chose a vasectomy

    World Vasectomy Day, which falls on 17 November this year, is an annual celebration of the men who choose a vasectomy to help share the burden of contraception and responsible family…

  • Empowering futures: advancing education and equality in South Sudan

    As we find ourselves at the midpoint of our partnership with the National Women Empowerment and Rehabilitation Organization (NWERO), we are delighted to share their remarkable strides forward amid the persistent challenges they confront.

  • Gilead Watch logo banner

    Putting the family in traditional family values 

    There has been a flurry of pronatal activity in the UK in recent weeks. Those involved are keen to restore “traditional family values” to the UK and, ultimately, raise the fertility rate.

  • Transport - crowds on escalator

    The Mystery of Demographic Momentum 

    Ever wondered why populations often continue to grow even when a country’s birth rate falls? Meet Demographic Momentum, a little-discussed phenomenon that’s essential to understand if we’re going to get to grips with population growth.

  • Anyone for some festive fundraising?

    With the festive season twinkling on the horizon, our thoughts turn to what is, for many, ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. For charities, the Christmas period is often the busiest time for donations and, here at Population Matters, we are no different.

  • Bike repair

    Don’t bin it: Repair and reuse! 

    Today is International Repair Day, a day to think beyond the consumerism of the modern world and focus on getting more from what we already own.

  • How the world continues to fail the girl child

    Today is the International Day of the Girl Child. Abimbola Junaid, our Partnerships, Advocacy and Voice Manager, speaks to the importance of raising their voices and speaking out on behalf of girls everywhere.

  • Megafauna Crisis

    Population growth is driving our most-loved animals to extinction. Our new report looks at its impact on some of our most iconic species, from tigers to hedgehogs.