: Development

News from Population Matters.

  • Josh and Florence at Summit of the Future

    Advancing Population Solutions: Insights from the UN Summit of the Future

    We recently attended the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York, where the the Pact for the Future was adopted, including critical mentions of population growth and sustainable development efforts. Florence Blondel has the highlights.

  • The Summit of the Future: A Unique Opportunity for Change

    We are thrilled to be part of the Summit of the Future this week, a ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity’ aimed at accelerating progress on the 2030 Agenda and addressing other critical global challenges.

  • Population Solutions Drive Success for All 17 Sustainable Development Goals

    The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a global blueprint for a better future With the UN Summit of the Future just a month away, there is no better time to focus on how population solutions can help achieve these ambitious targets.

  • Advocating for the rights of girls and women

    The 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) took place in March. Population Matters’ Choice Ambassador Joan Kembabazi was there and here she reports back on her experiences, which included moderating a UNICEF side event.

  • The lingering anxiety around the “p” word

    On the 30th anniversary of the landmark adoption of the Programme of Action in Cairo, people gathered in New York last week to share their successes and challenges in tackling population issues over the past three decades. Our Content and Campaigns Specialist, Florence Blondel, was there.

  • Building Population Matters’ momentum internationally

    In this blog post, our Content and Campaigns Specialist, Florence Blondel, shows how we’ve already established ourselves as one of the leading voices in population and development through collaborative efforts.

  • Photo by Alenka Skvarc on Unsplash

    Exploring the links between people, their health and the environment

    Population, Health and Environment is a development approach that recognises the links between local communities, their health and the natural resources upon which they depend. This week, we co-hosted an event to find out more.

  • Gender equality by 2030? Not likely

    The 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women ended last week with a call from UN leaders to accelerate poverty eradication and provide necessary funding.

  • Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

    Florence Blondel, our Content and Campaigns Specialist, delves into the transformative impact of addressing the reproductive needs of young girls and women. 

  • Ending the Silence on Population and Reproductive Rights

    A new independent report has been released looking at the continuing reluctance to talk about reproductive rights and population as interconnected topics.