News from Population Matters.
The Nigerian Population Conversation
In February this year, Population Matters will be convening a Population Conversation event in Abuja, Nigeria. Partnerships, Advocacy and Voice Manager Abimbola Junaid tells us more about what’s in store.
Vanishing Icons: The Species Still on the Brink
Last year, Population Matters released the Vanishing Icons report, examining the plight of six species. Here we provide an update on how these species are faring in the new year.
1.5C global heating and a view from Kenya
With news that global heating may pass the 1.5C threshold in 2024, COP28 takes on a new level of significance. PM Choice Ambassador, Dorcas Wakio, reports on her experience in Dubai.
A transition from fossil fuels, green education and a health crisis: the highs and lows of COP28
Population Matters Choice Ambassador Joan Kembabazi tells us about her experience at COP28.
World Warning: UN Tipping Points
The UN’s ‘Tipping Points’ report warns of irreversible environmental disasters, yet only hints at one of the underlying causes: population.
COP28: In The Era of Global Boiling
COP28 is the focus of efforts to tackle climate change. But when it comes to carbon emissions, we all have more responsibility to bear than we might think.
“The best decision of my life”: The men who chose a vasectomy
World Vasectomy Day, which falls on 17 November this year, is an annual celebration of the men who choose a vasectomy to help share the burden of contraception and responsible family…
Megafauna Crisis
Population growth is driving our most-loved animals to extinction. Our new report looks at its impact on some of our most iconic species, from tigers to hedgehogs.
Talking population at the UN Water Conference
Population Matters attended the UN Water Conference in New York to raise the critical linkage between water and population.
Earth Overshoot Day: Five ways we can move the date
Every year, Earth Overshoot Day marks the day when humanity has consumed all the resources that the planet can produce over the entire year. This year it falls on 2 August.