: Families

News from Population Matters.

  • Why the world needs fewer babies – part two

    Part two of a three-part series exploring the widespread push to increase birth rates around the world. In this edition, Campaign and Communications Specialist Florence Blondel looks at some examples of individuals and governments who are encouraging people to have more babies.

  • Small family on beach banner

    Embracing the beauty of small families

    At Population Matters, we know that families come in all shapes and sizes but promote the benefits to our planet of choosing to have fewer children. This International Day of Families, let’s look at the beauty of small families.

  • Why vegans should promote smaller families

    In this guest blog, medical doctor and environmental filmmaker Sofia Pineda Ochoa explains why all vegans should also care about our unsustainable population growth.

  • Climate Anxiety: Fear of the Future

    With wildfires, floods, and heatwaves on the news it’s apparent how climate change affects the planet, but it’s important to reflect on how it also impacts our mental health.

  • UK Population banner

    Population in the UK – grow, grow, grow

    New population and migration figures from the Office for National Statistics show no sign of an end to UK population growth. Read our statement.

  • Contraceptives banner

    “The best decision of my life”: The men who chose a vasectomy

    World Vasectomy Day, which falls on 17 November this year, is an annual celebration of the men who choose a vasectomy to help share the burden of contraception and responsible family…

  • Woman and child on beach banner

    Having one child: are only children lonely children?

    Although family sizes are shrinking across the world, having just one child is still often not a popular choice. Our Head of Campaigns, Alistair Currie, who is also a father-of-one, looks at reality and myth.

  • International Childfree Day: Childfree Stories

    To mark this year’s International Childfree Day, we are sharing some of our favourite testimonials from Population Matters supporters who have made the choice to live their lives without having children.

  • Power to the People report cover

    People power not state power – population policies that work 

    We take a look at some of the population policies around the world which gave people choices and improved their lives.

  • Pronatalism in the UK: should we be worried?

    The recent NatCon convention attracted a lot of newspaper column inches and backbencher Miriam Cates made a bit of a splash with a speech focusing on the importance of having children. Is there anything to be wary about here?