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Population Matters Biodiversity Poll

By clicking the button below, you can view the full results of Population Matters’ biodiversity opinion poll, conducted in the UK in September 2020. If you choose to use this data in public, please credit Population Matters, and provide a link to this page.

“Changes to the direct drivers of nature deterioration cannot be achieved without transformative change that simultaneously addresses the indirect drivers [including population growth].”

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2019

For more information about the poll, please contact Alistair Currie, Head of Communications and Campaigns at Population Matters.

Email:; Tel: 0208 123 9170

For more information about the links between biodiversity loss and population, see the links below the button.

See the data

Please click the button below to be taken straight to the poll results.


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