Donate stamps to population matters
You can now donate your used stamps to Population Matters! We accept any stamps: new or used, marked or unmarked. Any and all UK and overseas stamps are accepted.
Step 1: Please carefully cut or tear about a centimetre border around any stamp that you are sending in. There is no need to remove the stamp from the part of envelope it is attached to.
Step 2: Please then pop your collected stamps in a standard-sized envelope, weighing no more than 100g and no thicker than 5mm, and post them to us at:
Population Matters
The Chandlery
50 Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7QY.
Please send in no more stamps than fit in a standard size letter / C5 sized envelope. To make sure that the stamps reach us and do not incur additional charges please do not overfill any envelopes ensuring that the stamps fit in a standard size and not ‘large letter’ as per Royal Mail guidelines and that the envelope is less than 5mm thick.
If you have any questions please email supporters@populationmatters.org.
We will collect your stamps together and, when the collection reaches a certain weight, we recycle the stamps. For every kilogram of stamps we recycle we raise about £20.