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Sustainability Insights

Our Sustainability Insights are referenced summaries of key issues relating to population and sustainability.  A few pages long, they are designed for readers without specialist knowledge, providing an overview of their subjects and suggesions for further reading.

You can access the Insights by searching for them on our Resources page. Apply the “Sustainability Insights” filter to see them all. You can also search by individual title, listed beow (note, these titles are not links).

Sustainability Insights Index

Ageing populations Biocapacity and ecological footprint Carrying capacity Climate change Contraception and lack of reproductive health Current population trends Ecosystems and biodiversity Energy Food Human population history Materials Migration   Minerals New economics Personal contribution to sustainability Poverty Rights and responsibilities Space and amenities Sustainability and the Ehrlich equation Sustainable consumption (affluence) Sustainable technology Sustainable technology: cornflake example Water What things are made of Women’s rights

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