Test your knowledge on biodiversity loss

How much do you really know about biodiversity loss? Take this quick quiz to find out.



1 / 12

How many species are currently estimated to be threatened with extinction?

2 / 12

Since 1970, by what percentage have wild vertebrate populations declined?*

3 / 12

Which of these animal groups has the highest proportion of threatened species?*

4 / 12

Which of the main drivers of wildlife decline is exacerbated by human population growth?*
Transport - crowds on escalator

5 / 12

Tigers are an iconic endangered species. There are now more tigers living in captivity than in the wild. True or False?*

6 / 12

10,000 years ago, wild animals made up 99% of the weight of all vertebrates on Earth, and humans made up 1%. What is the composition of global vertebrate biomass today?*

7 / 12

What is the greatest threat to polar bears?*

8 / 12

What is the conservation status of the Bornean orangutan?*

9 / 12

Deforestation and forest degradation, and the associated loss of forest biodiversity, are mainly caused by the expansion of urban areas. True or false?*

10 / 12

Biologically speaking, how many species of great ape (hominids) exist today?*

11 / 12

Large species contribute more to the overall health of ecosystems than small species*

12 / 12

How many mass extinction events were there before the current crisis?*

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