CSW68: Find out more
This page provides further information for delegates at the CSW68 about the work of Population Matters.
- About Population Matters
- Briefings, reports and links
- Contact
About population matters
Population Matters is a UK-based international charity which campaigns to achieve sustainable human population and consumption by ethical and voluntary means, to protect nature and improve people’s lives. We work collaboratively with partners across the world to raise awareness of these issues, generate informed and responsible debate, and to promote and deliver ethical, effective and empowering policies and actions which enrich and improve people’s lives and reduce population pressures.
Briefings, reports and key links
Can enhanced reproductive health empower women in the fight against poverty? (2024)
This briefing sheds light on the intersection of poverty alleviation and enhanced reproductive health for women and girls. It explores how meeting their reproductive needs can serve as a catalyst for broader empowerment and a sustainable escape from the clutches of poverty.
Breaking Silos: Ending the Silence on Population and Reproductive Rights (2024)
Thirty years on from the Cairo conference on population and development, is it time for a fresh look at the links between population and reproductive rights? This independent report analyses the impact of population growth on vulnerable communities and examines the challenges and opportunities arising from the linkages between sustainable development, reproductive justice and demographic change.
On the 4 March 2024 we hosted a webinar with two of the report’s authors to discuss their findings. You can watch a recording here. You can also read a summary of the event here.
Two-child population policies in India (2023)
Population Matters’ submitted the following report to the call for evidence made by by the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women, in preparation for its 2024 session.
2023 submissions to Commission on Status of Women (2023)
Evidence submitted by Population Matters and Population Balance to the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women, in preparation for its 68th session in 2024.
Power to the people: how population policies work (2023)
A 20-page report examining the elements of successful, effective choice-based population policies, with short case studies of four examples – Thailand, Kerala, Rwanda and Costa Rica.
Welcome to Gilead: pronatalism and the threat to reproductive rights (2021)
A report examining how pronatal policies are threatening reproductive rights and gender equality across the world.
Population Matters’ Content and Campaign Specialist Florence Blondel is attending CSW until 16 March. To meet Florence or for any enquiries about our work, email her at florence.blondel@populationmatters.org