Media coverage

Coverage of Population Matters in the Media

Selected media stories featuring Population Matters.

You can find our recent press releases and media contact details on our For Media page.


Elon Musk warns world on brink of ‘collapse’ as huge country’s birth rate hits rock bottom

Sunday Express, 17 October 2024

Falling fertility rates, ‘childless cat ladies’: A deeper look at JD Vance’s comments

USA Today, 6 October 2024

Elon Musk Issues Birth Rate Warning: “Mass Extinction”

Newsweek, 3 October 2024

International Feature: Can the Earth Support a Population of Over 10 Billion?

Shin Min Daily News, 22 September 2024

More Than 100 NGOs Call on Government to Prevent Further UK Aid Cuts

Mercy Corps, 18 September 2024

Going Green: Choosing not to have children due to climate concerns

Derry Journal, 24 August 2024

Tackling the taboo of population growth

The Guardian, 22 August 2o24

World Population Day: Enugu NPC Director Harps on Importance of Census

African Examiner, 13 July 2024

Happy World Population Day… but you really don’t need to breed for Britain

The Independent, 11 July 2024

Baby Fever: Is Having Another Child a Climate Faux Pas?

The Ethicalist, 8 July 2024

What women want… matters

The News on Sunday, 7 July 2024

No One Left by Paul Morland review – the case for a new baby boom

The Times, 20 June 2024

Stop panicking about falling birth rates

Life Without Children, 19 June 2024

Sans enfant, et alors?

Scarlette Magazine, 3 June 2024

‘Our future depends on us having plenty of children’

The Times, 1 June 2024

Pronatalists are conveniently ignoring Earth’s real problems (Letter)

The Guardian, 31 May 2024

How long should everyday appliances last? Why NZ needs a minimum product lifespan law

The Conversation, 29 May 2024

Stop handing out free things

The Gustavian Weekly, 9 May 2024

Rethinking population planning for sustainable development

Vanguard, 2 May 2024

Britain’s falling birthrates are a sign of increased womens’ equality (letter)

The Times, 23 March 2024

Improving Women’s Fertility Choices

The National Tribune, 14 March 2024

Improving women’s fertility choices: avoiding environmental catastrophe caused by population growth

EurekAlert!, 6 March 2024

Teenage pregnancy on rise despite overall fertility falling

The Times, 23 February 2024

Climate change increases the risk of preterm births by 60 percent, study reveals

Financial Express, 23 February 2024

Climate change has increased premature birth risk by 60%, 22 February 2024

Climate change increases the risk of preterm births by 60% and will devastate children’s health without fast global action

EurekAlert!, 21 February 2024

Big Australia is the ‘elephant in the room’

Independent Australia, 18 February 2024

TI Says Nigeria’s 400m Projected Population by 2050 is Demographic Nightmare

This Day, 17 February 2024

The Rise of the One-and-Done Family

Maclean’s, 15 February 2024

Poverty: Why Having Smaller Family Now Important for Nigerians – CISLAC

Economic Confidential, 14 February 2024

CISLAC, UK body raise alarm over Nigeria’s population

The Guardian Nigeria, 14 February 2024

CISLAC to Nigerians: Embrace smaller family to avert poverty, other socio-economic upheavals

News Diary Online, 13 February 2024

Nigeria accounts for 20% of out-of-school children in sub-Saharan Africa – CISLAC

The Times Nigeria, 13 February 2024

Nigeria’s population becoming a demographic nightmare, say TI, CISLAC

Per Second News, 13 February 2024

Over population: Embrace smaller family to avoid poverty, CISLAC, TI – tell Nigerians

Blueprint, 13 February 2024

Prince Harry’s bulging awards cabinet explained after ‘Living Legend’ nod

The Mirror, 20 January 2024

Harry, Meghan and the absurdity of the awards industry

The Spectator, 12 January 2024


How Leading US Conservationists Manage to Hold on to Hope

Sierra Magazine, 10 December 2023

Why BBC wildman Chris Packham just can’t stop ruffling feathers

The Guardian, 10 December 2023

Why does Elon Musk want us all to have more kids? (Comment)

Independent, 3 December 2023

How Black Friday sales hurt our planet (Podcast)

The Standard’s Tech & Science Daily, 24 November 2023

Brits suffering from ‘Phone-mo’ feel pressure to upgrade to latest smartphone, despite damage to their wallets and the environment

My Green Pod, 24 November 2023

Why your Black Friday shopping is not harmless

Firstpost, 24 November 2023

Charity finds Black Friday consumption increased due to ‘phone-mo’ and peer pressure

BusinessNews, 23 November 2023

‘Phone-mo’ and peer pressure leads to Black Friday over consumption, charity finds, 23 November 2023

Choosing childlessness for the sake of the planet (letter)

The Guardian, 12 November 2023

The posh neighbourhood that’s UK’s most overcrowded where homes cost £2.9m

The Express, 5 November 2023

Limiting our reproduction is the most ethical thing to do

Church and State, 23 October 2023

Fostering Sustainability: Highlights and Insights from ICSE 2023

The Hindustan Times, 19 October 2023

Jenrick’s perverse solution to plug our social care gap (letter)

The Guardian, 5 October 2023

Apple isn’t perfect on environmental issues, but it’s depressingly ahead of its peers

Engadget, 15 September 2023

À l’heure du dérèglement climatique, doit-on arrêter d’avoir des enfants ?

The Conversation, 12 September 2023

Babies born in UK hits 20-year low – but government adviser says it is ‘good for our planet’ and ‘overconsumption’

National World, 18 August 2023

Is climate change really a reason not to have children? Here’s four reasons why it’s not that simple

The Conversation, 16 August 2023

Is overpopulation killing the planet? (podcast)

CBC, 13 June 2023

A low birthrate is good news for the planet (letter)

The Guardian, 21 May 2023

Spotlight on family planning as India surpasses China as world’s most populous country

France24, 14 April 2023

It’s now or never – we need to achieve a sustainable human population

New Scientist, 22 March 2023

The women who say they’re happier because they don’t have children

Daily Mail, 15 March 2023

8 billion and counting: How will we care for the growing global population?

Beamex, 08 March 2023

Everything Elon Musk has called the ‘biggest threat’ to the future of civilisation, 18 February 2023

Korogocho youths transforming dumping sites into green spaces

The Star, Kenya, 25 January 2023

Four reasons why China’s population is shrinking

TRT World, 19 January 2023

What will China’s population drop mean for the world?

BBC Future, 18 January 2023

Population growth is a key driver of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss (letter)

The Guardian, 5 January 2023


Why is nobody willing to say the ‘P’ word?

The Independent 24 November 2022

Population Growth (video)

TRT World 17 November 2022

What does a population of 8 billion mean for our planet?

The Independent 16 November 2022

Nihal Arthanayake (7.10 in)

BBC Radio 5 Live 15 November 2022

Jeremy Vine Show (5 minutes in)

BBC Radio 2 15 November 2022

Population Matters flies giant inflatable baby in Cardiff

Wales247 15 November 2022

How can 8 billion people sustainably share a planet?

Hindustan Times 15 November 2022

8 billion carbon emitters (letter) (£)

The Sunday Times 13 November 2022

Population growth promotes climate change, studies show

The Daily Nation 11 November 2022

Getting a handle on population growth (letter) (£)

The Telegraph 11 November 2022

Choosing a smaller family is the most effective eco-action (letter) (£)

The Independent 10 November 2022

Tackling population growth is key to fighting climate change (£)

The New Scientist 09 November 2022

Za nekoliko dana bit će 8 milijardi ljudi na Zemlji. Je li to previše za naš planet ili je problem negdje drugdje? (In a few days there will be 8 billion people on Earth. Is it too much for our planet or is the problem elsewhere?) – in Croatian

Novi List 07 November 2022

Planet earth: 8 billion humans and dwindling resources

The Straits Times 07 November 2022

Masa Depan Bumi, antara Populasi dan Pola Konsumsi (The future of the earth, between population and consumption patterns) – in Indonesian

Media Indonesia 07 November 2022

Planet Earth: 8 billion humans and dwindling resources

The Japan Times 07 November 2022

Populasi Bumi Tembus 8 Miliar Manusia, Sumber Daya Terancam (Earth’s Population Translucent 8 Billion Humans, Resources Threatened) – in Indonesian

Detik News 07 November 2022

Earth’s population will hit EIGHT BILLION next week

Daily Mail 07 November 2022

Rising population spikes bullion tonne CO2

Africa Science News 03 November 2022

The future of life on Earth depends on curbing overpopulation

The Guardian 19 October 2022

The intersection of population, poverty, and climate change

Philanthropy News Digest 13 October 2022

It’s time for academia to adopt an ecocentric world view

University World News 1 October 2022

How many people can Earth handle

BBC 6 September 2022

Elon Musk’s long history of questionable takes on climate change

Independent 5 September 2022

Readers’ letters: Smaller population is good for Scotland

Edinburgh Evening News 1 September 2022

‘Gender quotas eliminate barriers’

Emerging Europe 2 August 2022

Earth Overshoot Day 2022: Circular businesses are reversing overshoot

Circular Online 28 July 2022

Elon Musk is obsessed with ‘population collapse’ – but what is it and is it really a threat?

indy100 24 July 2022

Activist Nyombi Morris honoured by UK-based charity for leading climate justice fight

Nile Post 18 July 2022

Uganda: Activist Nyombi Morris Honoured By UK-Based Charity for Leading Climate Justice Fight 18 July 2022

Elon Musk’s claims about ‘population collapse’ debunked as ‘flawed’ and ‘outer space’

The Independent 11 July 2022

Taxing the childless would be a sinister folly

The Sunday Times 10 July 2022

Hagyjuk megszületni az utódainkat! (Let our children be born) – in Hungarian

Magyar Nemzet 17 June 2022

Dramatic way Elon Musk predicts civilisation will end

New Zealand Herald 3 June 2022

Falling fertility rates shaping outlook around the world

ChinaDaily 4 June 2022

Elon Musk: How Tesla billionaire thinks world will end, 3 June 2022

Elon Musk hits out at theory that not having kids will help the environment

Ladbible, 23 May 2022

Will Netflix documentary on Harry and his wife be an attack on the monarchy? (in Polish)

Polonia Christiana, 22 May 2022

Abortion rights and population panic (letter)

Globe and Mail, 22 May 2022

Elon Musk slams population concerns raised by William and Harry

Newsweek, 17 May 2022

To Save a Forest, Look to the Women

Yes!, 19 April 2022

Declining fertility rates and the threat to human rights

International Bar Association, 28 March 2022

How family planning programs help women live better lives and get involved in local protection of nature

Nature Solutionaries podcast, 11 March 2022

Kinder oder keine Kinder? Diese Entscheidung hat nichts mit Egoismus zu tun (in German)

Elle Deutschland, 29 January 2022

Stop having kids? What is antinatalism and how does it relate to the climate?

The Independent, 28 January 2022

Le Mattine Podcast del 26/01/2022 (in Italian)

Radio Capital, 26 January 2022

Getting sterilised to save the planet is a sad but understandable choice

The Guardian (Letters), 14 January 2022

Scotland’s population projected to peak in 2028

BBC, 13 January 2022

Falling birthrate and economic fears ‘will cut population growth’

The Times, 13 January 2022

The Pope is wrong. Choosing to have few or no children is the opposite of selfish

CNN, 9 January 2022

How the West stopped having babies

The Telegraph, 8 January 2022

Shrinking Bulgaria

Emerging Europe, 7 January 2022

It’s none of the Pope’s business if people don’t want children

Grazia, 6 January 2022

The people and the planet

New Statesman, 5 January 2022

Chill out and fall back: Prince William under fire as Duke suffers a brutal dig

Express, 5 January 2022


Daha fazla ülke “kadınlara daha çok çocuk sahibi olma baskısı kurmaya çalışıyor”

Independent Türkçe, 10 December 2021

Elon Musk says civilisation will ‘crumble’ if people don’t have more kids

The Independent, 9 December 2021

Is Elon Musk right to say civilisation will ‘crumble’ because of low birthrates?

The Times, 9 December 2021

Musk mówi o upadku cywilizacji. Wskazuje na jeden czynnik (in Polish)

Wirtualna Polska, 9 December 2021

Concerns mount in the US over the future of women’s rights to access abortion

Women’s Agenda, 6 December 2021

Surprise surprise! The supreme court is coming for women’s rights after all

The Guardian, 4 December 2021

“Ženy, roďte víc dětí.” Vlády vyžadují vyšší porodnost, jejich strach diktuje dělohám (in Czech)

Ž, 2 December 2021

Falling birth rates are not an existential crisis for Central and Eastern Europe, but an opportunity

Emerging Europe, 30 November 2021

More countries ‘trying to coerce women to have more children’, report finds

The Independent, 30 November 2021

The disturbing rise of pronatalist policies – and what this means for reproductive rights

The F word, 30 November 2021

Prince William says human population growth in Africa is harming wildlife

i News, 23 November 2021

Half of Scots back small families to help planet as Cop26 hit

The Times, 14 November 2021

Anti-population growth group protest COP 26 with giant inflatable baby, 8 November 2021

Meet the people who are having fewer children ‘to help save the planet’

Metro, 1 November 2021

Thanos was wrong about population but so is Musk, suggests famous economist

Techopian, 8 October 2021

Population decline and smaller families good news for climate, says former head of FSA

The Independent, 8 October 2021

Why Londoners have stopped having babies

Evening Standard, 4 October 2021

Huisje, boompje, baby: dat ligt voor millennials niet voor de hand (in Dutch)

BN DeStem, 27 September 2021

Birthrates are falling, but there’s no need to panic

The Guardian Letters, 24 September 2021

Millennial vows not to have children to reduce her impact on the planet: ‘We can’t just keep churning them out’

Yahoo News UK, 23 September 2021

Meghan Markle: Geheimer Plan enthüllt – sie will in die US-Politik (in German)

Cosmopolitan Deutschland, 22 September 2021

Keine Zukunft – keine Kinder: Warum Frauen in der Klimakrise auf Nachwuchs verzichten (in German)

Frankfurter Rundschau, 25 August 2021

Our PM is busy expanding his brood, but most people are having fewer children or none at all. Mail+ asks: does this matter?

Mail Plus, 16 August 2021

The Rise Of The One-Child Family

Refinery29, 27 July 2021

Should I factor climate change into deciding whether to have kids?

The Independent, 26 July 2021

Harry and Meghan inspire ‘two max’ children families

The Times, 15 July 2021

Harry and Meghan given environmental award for decision to only have two children

The Independent, 10 July 2021

The baby bust

NewStatesman, 8 July 2021

Voice Of Islam Drive Time Show Podcast 06-07-2021 – Climate Warming / Population control: do we need it?

Voice Of Islam Radio, 6 July 2021

Wie viele Menschen kann die Erde ertragen? (in German)

Debating Europe DE, 2 June 2021

China’s baby bust

Project Syndicate, 10 June 2021

Climate change – the new contraceptive?

Energy Live News, 14 May 2021

Falling birth rates could be good for the planet (letter)

The Guardian, 21 April 2021

We won’t save our imperfect planet by driving billions into destitution

The Telegraph, 2 February 2021

Researchers expect the US to face underpopulation, blaming a falling birth rate and economic crises

CNBC, 6 January 2021


The new nuclear family: why Australians are having fewer children

Vogue Australia, 27 December 2020

Alistair Currie de Population Matters: “Que haya menos población es bueno para el planeta” (in Spanish)

El Pais, 15 October 2020

Análisis | Familias más pequeñas: Un futuro más justo para todas y todos (in Spanish)

El Desconcierto, 11 September 2020

¿Habrá una nueva ciudad? Cómo se puede transformar Buenos Aires por la pandemia (in Spanish)

La Nacion, 10 September 2020

Population, poverty and climate change

The Guardian Letters, 28 August 2020

Should families have less children to help the environment

Newstalk, 13 August 2020

Population, climate change and inequality

The Guardian Letters, 29 July 2020

Alistair Currie, de Population Matters: “En 2050, para alimentar a la población mundial necesitaremos los recursos de tres planetas Tierra” (in Spanish)

Pagina12, 11 July 2020

Día Mundial de la Población: ¿Cómo se soluciona la SOBREPOBLACIÓN? (in Spanish)

Mundo TKM, 11 July 2020

Día Mundial de la Población: por qué se celebra el 11 de julio (in Spanish)

Clarin, 11 July 2020

Día de la Población: conocé a la ONG que trabaja para un futuro sostenible en Argentina y el mundo (in Spanish)

Marie Claire Argentina, 11 July 2020

Un activista por la reducción de la natalidad (in Spanish)

Infobae (Argentina) 7 July 2020

UK’s population growth slows to lowest rate in 15 years

Daily Mail, 24 June 2020

23 areas have grown by a quarter, says ONS

The Independent, 24 June 2020

‘I want people to congratulate me for not having children’

The Telegraph, 16 June 2020

Black Lives Matter: Attenborough video deleted amid racism claims

The Times, 12 June 2020

Il existe des menaces aussi inquiétantes que la COVID-19 (in French)

Météo Média, 29 April 2020

Sì, è ok non avere figli (in Italian)

Tracking Extinction, 8 March 2020

Population: does it need controlling?

Roundtable, TRT World, 4 March 2020

Robin Maynard: Too Many People on Earth? Why We Need to Have a Hard Talk about Population

Veronika Perkova, 3 March 2020

“I’m not having children because I want to save the planet”

Stylist UK, 27 February 2020

Why the state of our planet has these women rethinking having children

Internewscast, 10 February 2020

Sir David Attenborough admits it’s ‘difficult’ to even talk about population control to save the planet because it’s a ‘precious biological right’ to have children

The Daily Mail, 21 January 2020

Alison Rowat: Chris has no easy answers about our crowded world

The Herald, 21 January 2020

One in 10 couples who don’t want children cite climate change

Yahoo Style UK, 3 January 2020

Climate change fears put young couples off having children, YouGov poll shows

The Times, 3 January 2020


Why India is making progress in slowing its population growth

Yale360, 12 December 2019

Beyond the headlines: how many children is too many?

The National (United Arab Emirates), 5 December 2019

Vuela bebe gigantes en Londres para reflexionar sobre sobrepoblacion (in Spanish)

Blancoynegro (Mexico), 29 November 2019

Population crisis is giving birth to a global catastrophe

The Mirror, 13 November 2019

ICPD 25: Time To Start Talking About Population Again

ValueWalk, 11 November 2019

Pôrodný štrajk pre dobro planéty: Narastá počet ľudí, ktorí nechcú deti z ekologických dôvodov (in Slovak), 10 November 2019

Huelga de fertilidad (in Spanish)

La Verdad, 23 October 2019

UK population set to grow by 4.5 percent in coming decade

China Daily, 23 October 2019

UK population growth

Nick Ferrari Show, LBC, 22 October 2019

Population to hit 70m in a decade

The Times, 21 October 2019

UK population projections

News at Ten, ITN 21 October 2019

How To Have A Climate-Friendly Long-Distance Relationship In The Time Of “Flight Shame”

Forbes, 16 October 2019

Да не правим деца, за да страдат (in Bulgarian)

24 Chasa, 29 September 2019

Human overpopulation: can having fewer children really make a difference?

Science Focus, 4 September 2019

Ovo su ljudi koji žele potpuno zaustaviti rađanje djece (in Hungarian)

Index HR, 22 August 2019

In an effort to save the planet, millennials are going child-free

Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka), 20 August 2019

Jane Goodall: even the tiniest of changes can help save the planet

Metro (UK), 19 August 2019

UK’s baby bust

New York Times, 16 August 2019

Anti-natalists: the people who want you to stop having babies

VIPortal, 13 August 2019

Birthrates are at their lowest ever but here’s why that isn’t necessarily a bad thing

Glamour, 5 August 2019

NCF, NPC warn against overpopulation

Punch Nigeria, 4 August 2019

Don’t call the midwife – we’re on strike

The Times, 3 August 2019

#UKFertility: ‘The trend is down across Europe and across the developed world’ – EXPERT

Radio Sputnik, 3 August 2019

Birth rate plunges to 80-year-low in England and Wales

The Independent, 2 August 2019

How many children can you have and still be ‘green’?

Stuff NZ, 1 August 2019

Prince Harry and smaller families (11 minutes into programme)

BBC 5 Live Nihal Arthanayake, 1 August 2019

So, Prince Harry, how many children can you have and still call yourselves an ‘eco-family’?

Daily Telegraph, 31 July 2019

Prince Harry and smaller families (2.26 hrs into programme)

BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast, 31 July 2019

Prince Harry and smaller families (at 3.00 hrs, viewable in UK only)

BBC Breakfast, 31 July 2019

The environmental ethics of having kids: why millennials are skipping babies in order to save the planet

Evening Standard, 31 July 2019

Harry and Meghan may be onto something with their two-child idea

Metro-UK, 31 July 2019

Prince Harry reveals he and Meghan will only have two kids

Daily Mail, 31 July 2019

Prince Harry drops baby hint during special meeting

Honey, 31 July 2019

Prince Harry and family size (46 minutes into programme)

BBC Radio 4 PM, 30 July 2019

Prince Harry and family size (37 minutes into programme)

BBC Radio 5 Live, Sarah Brett Show, 30 July 2019

We’ve already used up all of Earth’s budgeted resources for the year

Dazed and Confused, 29 July 2019

Save the planet “living less” or hinder the government’s economic plan – in Chinese

Hong Kong Economic Times, 24 July 2019

Galloping population overstretching planet’s resources, experts say

The New Diplomat (Nigeria) 16 July 2019

Spoznajte žensko, ki nima otrok zaradi podnebnih sprememb  [Meet a woman who does not have children because of climate change] – in Slovenian

Druzina, 16 July 2019

Concern mounts over increasing population impact on environment

The Guardian (Nigeria) 15 July 2019

Stakeholders advocate education, youth empowerment for population sustainability

Real News (Nigeria) 12 July 2019

Miley Cyrus refuses to have kids until we save the planet, 12 July 2019

Government must take action to address population – experts

TVC News (Nigeria), 11 July 2019

Campaigners in Nigeria call for sustainable development

NTV News (Uganda) 11 July 2019

Safeguarding women’s rights in an ageing world

CGTN (China), 11 July 2019

Global population at 8bn and growing: is it sustainable?

The Herald (Zimbabwe), 11 July 2019

World Population Day: how smaller families will reduce our carbon footprint

Evening Standard, 11 July 2019

Improve contraception access to tackle wildlife crisis, campaigners say

The Guardian 11 July 2019

¿Cómo nos alimentaremos en el futuro? [How will we feed ourselves in the future?] – in Spanish

Metro RD 11 July 2019

NCF hosts World Population Day

The Nation, 10 July 2019 (Nigeria)

World Population Day 2019: no sustainable development without sustainable population

ValueWalk, 10 July 2019

NCF, Rivers university confab advocates database on marine, coastal biodiversity

This Day (Nigeria), 8 July 2019

Global population of eight billion and growing: we can’t go on like this

The Observer, 7 July 2019

Britain’s population rises by 400,000 in a year

Eastern Eye, 27 June 2019

UK population rises to 66.4 million but rate of growth slows

The Guardian, 26 June 2019

UK population growth rate stalls, official estimates show

BBC, 26 June 2019

UK population rises to 66.4m despite highest number of deaths for 18 years

The Independent, 26 June 2019

Scotland’s growth rate the slowest as UK population rises to 66.4 million

Scotsman, 26 June 2019

UK population rises to 66,436,000 and migration is biggest factor

Metro, 26 June 2019

Many women decide not to give birth because of climate change concerns (in Vietnamese),  20 June 2019

World Population Is Expected To Reach 9.7 Billion In 2050

Value Walk, 17 June 2019

Africa to propel world’s population towards 10bn by 2050

Financial Times, 17 June 2019

BirthStrike: non fare figli per contrastare i cambiamenti climatici è solo fondamentalismo (in Italian)

Greenstyle, 10 June 2019

Population matters: is world going to be enough?

Deccan Chronicle, 9 June 2019

Grupa BirthSrtike. Te kobiety nie chcą mieć dzieci z powodu katastrofy klimatycznej (in Polish)

Focus, 6 June 2019

BirthStrike: The people refusing to have kids, because of climate change

CNN, 5 June 2019

All plastic should be taxed, say campaigners

Evening Standard, 4 June 2019

Ben Fogle on solving nature crisis: education, education, education

The European, 4 June 2019

We need to talk about how population growth is harming the planet

New Scientist, 22 May 2019

Human population growth is the elephant in the room in climate change debate

British Medical Journal, 7 May 2019

Living planet: why population matters

Deutsche Welle, 24 May 2019

No children, please: we’re ‘birth strikers’

Stuff, New Zealand, 19 May 2019

Our fight against climate change will be hopeless unless we choose to have smaller families

The Telegraph, 26 April 2019

Save the planet by having fewer children, says environmentalist Sir Jonathan Porritt

iNews, 26 April 2019

Birthstrikers: the growing trend against staring a family

New Zealand Herald, 22 April 2019

Meet the ‘birth strikers’: women who aren’t having children for the sake of the planet

Daily Telegraph, 22 April 2019

Why 30-year old Emma won’t be having kids, 18 April 2019

England’s population predicted to reach 60m within a decade

The Times, 10 April 2019

Voluntary extinction?

Global News, Canada, 10 April 2019

There’s nothing inevitable about water shortages (letter)

The Guardian, 22 March 2019

No tener hijos ayuda al planeta (Not having children helps the planet) – in Spanish, 21 March 2019

Aussterben ist keine Lösung. Oder doch? (Extinction is not a solution. Or is it?) – in German

Suddeutsche Zeitung 18 March 2019

Overpopulation and family size

Petrie Hosken, BBC Radio London 7 March 2019

Population and the environment

The Big Yorkshire Phone-in, BBC Radio Leeds, 4 March 2019


Gli Stati Generali 7 February 2019

Is It “Greedy” to Want a Third Child in 2019? Experts Weigh In

Best Life 6 February 2019

Children and the environment

Jason Mohammed Show, BBC Radio Wales, 24 January 2019

Entretien avec Robin Maynard (dubbed in French)

ARTE Vox Pop 13 January 2019


The rise of the environmental antagonist

The Mary Sue 28 December 2018

The Four Most Effective Ways To Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

Forbes 30 Nov 2018

Careers come first as women choose not to have children

Express 23 Nov 2018

Baby boom turns to a slump

The Times 10 November 2018

Global decline in the number of children born

Channel 4 News, 8 November 2018

Is having a large family wrong?

21 October 2018, Sunday Morning Live, BBC1

Addressing climate change – blue skies thinking

15 October 2018, 5 Live Drive, BBC Radio 5 Live

Population and climate change

The World at One, BBC Radio 4.

Trying to grow the island’s population is ‘misguided’

26 August 2018, IOM Today

Why women empowerment must be a major national security goal

11 August 2018, Pakistan Today 

Why climate activists can’t agree if we should be having fewer children

4 August 2018, The Independent

Jeremy Vine: Accidents and Procreation

BBC Radio 2 3 August 2018

Having a smaller family is the most effective way to help the environment

Enterprise 31 July 2018

“I’m worried about the environment – so I’ve decided not to have children”

Stylist 27 July 2018

Public want action to curb rapid population growth

The Times 10 July 2018

Would you give up having children to save the planet? Meet the couples who have.

The Guardian 20 June 2018

Kaye Adams Programme

BBC Scotland 13 June 2018

Respecting women’s rights and the planet key to family planning

The Guardian (letters) 8 June 2018

Women who refuse to have babies – to save the planet!

Mail Online 8 June 2018

Is there still stigma for being child-free by choice?

stuff 30 May 2018

The royals who do best are those who restrain their personalities

The Spectator

19 May 2018

How much families with 10 or more kids cost taxpayers in child benefit revealed

Mirror 19 May 2018

‘We need to normalize being child-free’ – US racing driver on population control

RT 17 May 2018

Woman motor sports star takes a lead in race against population growth

The Times 16 May 2018

Leilani Münter, champion of the child-free, urges women to save the planetopulation overload: Are we in danger of outgrowing our planet?

The Times 16 May 2018

Girl Power

The Times 16 May 2018

Racer Leilani Münter takes a lead in race against popualtion growth

Autoblog 16 May 2018

Population overload: Are we in danger of outgrowing our planet?

TRT World 10 May 2018

Is Thanos right?

Gizmodo 30 April 2018

With 250 babies born each minute, how many can the Earth sustain?

The Guardian 23 April 2018

Global population discussion


Voice of Islam Drivetime 13 December 2017 (1hr 28 minutes into podcast)

‘Unsustainable’ UK population set to hit 70m by end of next decade.

The Mirror 26 October 2017

UK population could hit 70m by end of next decade

Evening Standard 26 October 2017

Should we be having fewer children for the sake of the planet?

The Guardian 7 October 2017

We need to talk about … Population and climate change

The Guardian 7 October 2017

Big Foot comes to The Malls during Green Week in Basingstoke and Deane

Basingstoke Gazette 25 September 2017

The Pope’s confusing message on climate change

Le News 12 September 2017

The third Royal baby sets a poor example of how to combat climate change

The i 6 September 2017

Squashing our planet

Oxfordshire Guardian 8 August 2017

South Today – Oxford: Big Foot

BBC South Today 3 August 2017

Big Foot makes big statement outside Museum of Natural History

The Oxford Times 3 August 2017

Museum ‘must tell of human risk to nature’

The Times 14 July 2017

Nature versus nurture of a growing human population

The Guardian 12 July 2017

Want to save the planet? Don’t have children! Study finds bringing new life into the world is the most destructive thing you can do to the environment

The Daily Mail 12 July 2017

La planète de plus en plus petite

Metro World News 11 July 2017

Migration puts UK’s soaring population on course to overtake France in 2nd place in EU

RT 11 July 2017

UK to have biggest population in Europe within a generation

The Times 11 July 2017

Migration puts UK’s soaring population on course to overtake France in 2nd place in EU

News & Star 10 July 2017

Mapping the future: Smarter planning for smarter cities

Computer Business Review 30 June 2017

Pressure on services as population continues to rise

Barrhead News 28 June 2017

Migrant numbers rocket as Britain’s population rose by 538,000 last year

The Express 23 June 2017

UK population hits 65.6 million after sharpest annual rise since 1947

The Mail 22 June 2017

Population growth sharpest in 70 years after ‘record’ migration levels

The Telegraph 22 June 2017

UK population hits 65.6 million after sharpest annual rise since 1947

Belfast Telegraph 22 June 2017

British population shows sharpest growth since 1947 – ONS

RT 22 June 2017

UK population sees sharpest rise in 70 YEARS

Evening Express 22 June 2017

One-off screening of a new documentary at Kendal

The Westmorland Gazette  29 May 2017

Why 7.5 billion people on Earth is bad news

ZME Science 16 May 2017

Earth’s population just hit 7.5 billion people

Inhabitat 15 May 2017

Businesses warned of increasingly finite resources as global population passes 7.5 billion 15 May 2017

Population Matters: Have We Reached 7.5 Billion? 28 April 2017

A global population of nine billion is sustainable

BBC Radio 4 – Glass Half Full 19 April 2017

Springwatch’s Chris Packham says overcrowding in UK will have “profound impact” on country

Daily Mirror 3 April 2017

The Big Questions, Episode 9 Series 10

BBC One 5 March 2017

Britain’s population will pass 70 million in less than 10 years because of EU expansion, experts say 

The Daily Mail 3 March 2017

UK’s population to pass 70million within the next decade – and will be bigger than Germany and France by 2050

Daily Mirror 3 March 2017

Boosting birthrates in China, Thailand, Hong Kong and South Korea not the key to future economic success

PoundSterling Live  10 February 2017

Population boom could ‘bring nation to a standstill’

The Times 17 January 2017

England’s booming population spells commuter hell for drivers

RT 9 January 2017

England’s soaring population could bring roads to a standstill and choke the environment by 2030 

The Daily Mail 9 January 2017


David Attenborough Has an Important Warning About Human Population

ScienceAlert 11 November 2016

A Living Planet? Or endless population growth? We can’t have both

The Ecologist 27 October 2016

Laurie Marsh: ‘Accumulating money for its own sake is called greed. I’d rather give it all away’

The Hampstead & Highgate Express 20 October 2016

Letters to the Editor: Demography or bust?

The Economist (online edition) 17 September 2016

Comment: Effective framing

Environmental Funders Network 18 August 2016

People who don’t have children benefit our environment more than any campaign — it’s time to celebrate them

The Independent 8 August 2016

Earth is now in overdraft for this year: We’ve used up the planet’s resources for 2016 in less than eight months

The Daily Mail 8 August 2016

Net migration fuels increase in households

The Times 13 July 2016

Britain’s population to overtake France as growing migrant families flock to UK in droves

The Express 11 July 2016

Overpopulation: Are smaller families better for the environment?

The IPF 11 July 2016

World Population Day: Building a sustainable future

The Huffington Post 11 July 2016

UK population set to overtake France’s by 2026 say EU economists

International Business Times 9 July 2016

Population tops 65 million for first time

The Daily Mail 24 June 2016

Northern Ireland’s population hits record high

The Irish News 24 June 2016

UK population grows by half a million in a year to reach 65.1 million

The Independent 23 June 2016

Scots population up by 25,400 as UK population tops 65 million

The Scotsman 23 June 2016

Net migration pushes UK population to over 65 million as London grows by 135,000 people

London Evening Standard 23 June 2016

UK population rises to 65.1 million after increase of 513,000 in a year

Daily Mirror 23 June 2016

UK population hits 65 million mark for the first time

The Express 23 June 2016

UK population now at 65 million as 135,000 more people now call London home

London Loves Business 23 June 2016

Population tops 65 million for first time

News Shopper 23 June 2016

Good news, ladies! Men to outnumber women in Plymouth by 2020

Plymouth Herald 26 May 2016

Sir David Attenborough at 90: An A to Z

The Telegraph 1 May 2016

Letters to the Editor: The Queen has set an example of service we could all learn from

Evening Standard 21 April 2016

Letters: Outside the EU, Britain would be free to spend its money how it pleased

The Telegraph 19 April 2016

EU immigrants responsible for one in 10 births

The Times 17 March 2016

One in six of all new European babies now born in UK

The Express 16 March 2016

London’s population ‘to rise by one million in next 10 years’

Evening Standard 25 February 2016

Perhaps Malthus was right after all

The Huffington Post 13 February 2016

Hunters and Hunted

The Huffington Post 21 December 2015

The gift to the future

Remember A Charity 17 December 2015

Another win for the politics of aggression

The Independent 5 December 2015

636,000 migrants arrive in UK in one year, say goodbye to the Britain you know say experts

The Express 1 December 2015

Lower birthrates needed for world to cut carbon emissions

Chinadialogue 9 November 2015

UK population expected to rise by almost 10 million in 25 years

The Guardian 29 October 2015

Chris Packham: ‘I have nothing against cats; it is the cat-owners’

The Guardian 9 October 2015


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