Empowering young people in Albania

In Albania, the Youth Voice Network of Organisations (YVNO) has been working to mobilise the potential of its young people to contribute to and improve their own futures. They recognise that young people need tailored projects and interventions that empower them to participate in decision-making processes.  

With Empower to Plan support, one of the Network’s members, Act for Society will be working alongside Roma peer educators and community leaders to deliver a bespoke series of accessible workshops about sexual and reproductive and menstrual health to 50 women and girls, and produce a report that they hope will help change future access to healthcare in their communities.

The Network’s director, Andi Rabiaj is an inspiration who knows it is imperative that boys and men are part of the solution to achieve gender equality and justice too. Whether that’s using dance and music to discuss comprehensive sex education and reproductive rights, or creating informal spaces for youth to gather and share their thoughts on pregnancy, contraception and safe sex, Andi is full of practical ideas to empower the next generation.

Best of all, YVNO recognises the health of people and planet are intrinsically linked. To emphasise the connections between climate, gender and sexual health, the young people involved in this project will also develop a podcast series to share ideas about sexual and reproductive rights and environmental protection with their peers.

Even a little goes a long way, so please consider supporting YVNO today. Your gift will:

  • Help deliver 7 weekly sessions on sexual and reproductive health
  • Educate marginalised youth on reproductive rights, sexual and menstrual health and hygiene
  • Provide sustainable menstrual products to 50 Roma women and girls
  • Support the creation of a podcast by young people, for young people, about sexual and reproductive rights and environmental protection

When young people are empowered to know their rights, individual and community wellbeing is enhanced and the future is brighter for everyone.

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