
News from Population Matters.

  • Is population growth yesterday’s problem?

    At Population Matters, we’re often told that population growth is no longer a going concern. But is that really the case?

  • Pro-choice US banner

    Six months on from the overturning of Roe v. Wade

    The 22 January would have marked the 50th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, had it not been overturned in June last year.

  • Photo by Pascal Meier on Unsplash

    Could you go flight free for one year?

    There’s no doubt that we’ll only address our environmental challenges by doing things less, and few things will raise your emissions so much as taking a flight.

  • Crowd banner

    Conspiracy chaos: coronavirus, Bill Gates, the UN and population

    Over recent years, a growing proportion of Population Matters’ website traffic has been driven by rather odd search terms including “Bill Gates depopulation”, “Agenda 2030 population control”, and “depopulation coronavirus…

  • Can the new global biodiversity deal do the job?

    One million species are at risk of extinction. A new international deal, the Global Framework on Biodiversity, seeks to end that crisis. We look at what the framework contains and what it doesn’t, and ask: will it work?

  • Happy Shopping?

    Where does the compulsion to buy come from? In this guest blog, Clinical Psychologist Dr Vikki Barnes explores the science behind why it feels good to shop and how to feel better without buying.

  • Family Planning is all about families getting ahead

    The Turimiquire Foundation in Venezuela, our Empower to Plan partner, is working hard to reach some of Latin America’s most marginalised communities. As Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis rages on, the organisation shares why family planning is so important for improving people’s lives and protecting the environment.

  • 8 billion people in the news

    We’re not sure the population issue has ever been quite so front-and-centre in the media as it was on 15 November this year, the day the 8 billionth human alive…

  • Taking Action at the Apple Store, London

    With a population of 8 billion and counting, we’re using up the renewable sources of 1.7 Earths. If we continue on our current trajectory, we’ll require 3 Earths by 2050. …

  • Family Planning, Sex Education and so much more

    Last week in Pattaya City, Thailand, Population Matters sponsored and participated in the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP). A community of 3,500 people travelled from across the world to…