Online Event – Informed choices: the power of education in reducing our impact
Join Population Matters for an international panel discussion exploring a range of ongoing and developing educational interventions to promote understanding of population’s impact. We will look at how their choices affect them, their families and the natural world.
This event is for anyone interested in sustainability, women’s empowerment, and a better world for all.
- Learn from experts worldwide.
- Gain insights into informed choices.
- Discover solutions for a sustainable future.
Date and time: Friday, 20 SEPTEMBER 2024,
11 am- 12 pm EDT / 4 PM – 5 pm BST
Register here.

Harsh Jaitli – CEO of Voluntary Action Network, India
Harsh is an expert in policy planning and management. With an enriching experience of 30 years working on themes like environment, health, local governance, Right to Information, organizational development among others.

Dr Monique Oliff – Founder of Critical Conversations, Kenya
Monique has worked in international health for 25 years, as a clinician, researcher and public health consultant in rural and urban East, Southern and West Africa. Her passion for hands on approaches to wellness in Africa looks closely at the root cause of disease.

Auwal Ibrahim Musajoan – Executive Director of CISLAC, Nigeria
Auwal is the ED of the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre. He is a human rights, anti-corruption, policy and legislative advocacy activist interested in positive transformation of Nigeria and Africa. He coordinated a successful Population Conversation in Nigeria with Population Matters.

Josh Hill – Chief Research and Operations Manager of Population Matters, UK
Josh is a Behavioural Economist, with a research focus concerning social norms, misperceptions and multilingualism, specifically investigating how these affect decision making in development contexts. Josh also has 14 years of experience working in Finance, including Audit, Transaction Services and External Reporting across both large multi-national corporates and within the charity sector.
Join us at this event!
If you would like to attend this webinar, please register at the link below.