Population Matters has been conducting research and producing briefings and government submissions for more than 20 years.
Our Annual Report for 2019-2020
This document lays out how Population Matters is governed.
Summarises our World Population Day activities on population and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, explains how we’re working to influence the new global agreement on biodiversity, features an interview with…
A four-page summary outlining the unmet contraceptive needs of women and girls globally and the relationship between the provision of modern family planning and social and environmental issues.
Fully referenced, illustrated 24-page report examining the impact of population growth on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and how the SDGs can help address population.
Response note to The Dasgupta Review – Independent Review on the Economics of Biodiversity Interim Report as commissioned by the UK’s HM Treasury.
Features Chris Packham’s ‘7.7 Billion and Counting’, a summary of ICPD25, Population Decomposing, and an interview with Judy Ling Wong.
Direct Debit membership form available for download, print and post.
Printable version of a Gift Aid declaration form for tax efficient donations.
Annual Report 2018-19
You can download our graphics on the campaign graphics page. To order free campaign materials including leaflets, postcards and promotional items, visit our online shop.
Note: Documents published by Population Matters in the past may not reflect current policies or positions.