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  • Belarus’ Birth Rate: Pronatalist Policies and Demographic Challenges

    Belarus’ Birth Rate: Pronatalist Policies and Demographic Challenges

    This blog post examines the demographic challenges in Belarus where President Alexander Lukashenko last month secured a seventh term in an election widely dismissed as neither free nor fair. It explores the government’s emphasis on increasing birth rates, the country’s declining fertility trends and the implications of these policies for women’s autonomy, all within the…

  • Minimum of Three: Erdoğan’s Battle to Boost Turkey’s Birth Rate

    Minimum of Three: Erdoğan’s Battle to Boost Turkey’s Birth Rate

    Turkey’s birth rate is falling despite government efforts to reverse the trend. Part of our Gilead Watch campaign, this blog explores Turkey’s demographic changes and the impact of Erdoğan’s pronatalist…

  • What is the Global Gag Rule?

    What is the Global Gag Rule?

    The Global Gag Rule restricts foreign organisations from supporting abortion services if they receive US funding. Last week it was reinstated by the new Republican administration, impacting human rights, particularly…

  • 2024 in review: Population Matters in the Media

    2024 in review: Population Matters in the Media

    It’s been a busy year at Population Matters. Here we look at some of the articles and comment pieces featuring Population Matters in 2024.

  • Buen Vivir: The ‘Good Life’ for People and Planet – Part two

    Buen Vivir: The ‘Good Life’ for People and Planet – Part two

    We continue our series exploring alternative economics models. Here, in the second of two parts, we look at Buen Vivir. Buen Vivir, an alternative development model gaining popularity in South America.

  • Endless economic growth unsustainable for planet and people

    Endless economic growth unsustainable for planet and people

    As part of an upcoming project exploring alternative economic models, this article looks at how the current pursuit of endless economic growth drives environmental degradation and deepens social inequality. The traditional growth mindset prevails among our political classes, but it is not working for planet or people.

  • Population Solutions Drive Success for All 17 Sustainable Development Goals

    Population Solutions Drive Success for All 17 Sustainable Development Goals

    The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a global blueprint for a better future With the UN Summit of the Future just a month away, there is no better time to focus on how population solutions can help achieve these ambitious targets.

  • False Alarm: Britain’s “Birth Rate Crisis”

    False Alarm: Britain’s “Birth Rate Crisis”

    The Spectator, a weekly British news magazine, says Britain is in a birth rate crisis. Campaigns and Media Officer Madeleine Hewitt responds and explains why there is no need to panic over falling birth rates.

  • Why the world needs fewer babies – part three

    Why the world needs fewer babies – part three

    The final of a three-part series exploring the widespread push to increase birth rates around the world. In this edition, Campaign and Communications Specialist Florence Blondel discusses our continuing population growth and how we can adapt to a low-fertility future.

  • Why the world needs fewer babies

    Why the world needs fewer babies

    Part one of a three-part series exploring the widespread push to increase birth rates around the world. In this edition, Campaign and Communications Specialist Florence Blondel outlines the issue and unpacks why political leaders are panicking.