We depend on our members. Your regular contribution will help create a better future through campaigning, lobbying, education and research activities, and moving population up the public agenda.
Your membership can be paid via direct debit (UK only) or credit card.
There are also other ways to donate.
Join the movement
Standard Membership
From £2.50 per month or £30 per year
Your regular donations enable us to carry out all our campaigning activities.
Amplify your voice
Catalyst Membership
From £50 per month or £600 per year
Your generous support will be the catalyst that will enable us to expand our engagement with audiences across the world, and ensure the power of choice is available to everyone.

The Population Matters welcome pack


email updates, activity and event invitations
All membership packs include a welcome letter and our latest magazine and campaign materials. Standard members receive a round badge whilst catalyst members receive an enamel pin badge and a copy of our latest annual report. Catalyst members also have the option to be listed as one of our key supporters, and receive occasional additional content and event invitations.
Join the movement
Life membership
£500 donation
Demonstrate your commitment to the movement by becoming a life member.
Join the movement
Low or no income membership
£15 per year
We offer reduced annual membership rate for those with no or low income, and free membership for full-time students or those who live in a non-OECD country.
Population affects everyone’s well-being, other species and humanity’s future on our one planet.
Population Matters is one of the foremost charities campaigning on the issue of population globally, and the only UK charity whose mission is to raise awareness of the environmental impact of our growing numbers.
Your support will help create a better future for you, your children and grandchildren and many generations to come.
You’ll be supporting campaigns, helping to lobby governments worldwide and ask other charities to recognise that population size also matters to the causes they promote. Your donations will help champion women’s rights and advocate for smaller families at home and abroad.
We’ll be able to attend international events, respond to consultations, speak at policy-level meetings and publish research reports – all of which will amplify our voice and our message that population matters.
Make a donation
You can also make a single donation, fundraise for us or leave us a lasting legacy with a gift in your will.