News from Population Matters.
Sustainable population: the Earth4All approach
Earth4All’s recent People and Planet report is the latest attempt at modelling sustainable population projections through the 21st century. It caused a number of over-hyped newspaper headlines, but are its projections of a significant fall in population by 2100 plausible?
Talking population at the UN Water Conference
Population Matters attended the UN Water Conference in New York to raise the critical linkage between water and population.
Can we meet our water needs?
Population Matters will be taking part in the UN Water Conference in New York this week, to raise the critical linkage between water and population.
Lowering infant mortality will lower population growth
A recent paper published by a group of Australian academics has found that reducing infant mortality rates will lower global population growth. Their answer: better access to contraception and family planning.
A planet of 8 billion and the future of humanity
The Journal of Population and Sustainability explores all aspects of the relationship between human numbers and environmental issues.
Polarised access to contraception in Europe
Each year the European Contraception Policy Atlas is published by the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights (EPF). Last week, their 2023 version was released and we were in (online) attendance at the launch event in the European Parliament.
A job or a child: India’s coercive population policies
In some states in India, people face sanctions for having more than two children. We lift the lid on this coercive policy and assess the risk of it being extended to other areas.
Population news from around the globe
With the birth of the planet’s 8 billionth person just around the corner (15 November), conversations around population growth are becoming ever harder to ignore. The facts are striking; half…
Nature needs a helping hand
The Living Planet Report was jointly released today by WWF and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), revealing that on average wildlife populations have dropped 69% since 1970, a stark…
Human numbers soar, birds plummet
The fifth edition of BirdLife’s publication, State of the World’s Birds, was released last week. The report details the condition of the world’s bird populations, many of which face extinction…