: Climate

News from Population Matters.

  • Deforestation banner

    COP26: Why population matters

    A crucial UN climate conference (COP26) is taking place in Glasgow over the next few days. One factor unlikely to be on the agenda is human population growth. Whilst the…

  • Boom or Bust banner

    A Booming Success: Population Matters’ 2021 Conference

    On 8th October, Population Matters hosted Boom or Bust, our online and in-person conference addressing the intersection of population and economics, with a focus on how societies can flourish with…

  • Niger banner

    The Sahel: Empowering women key to averting disaster

    The Sahel region of Africa is on a dangerous trajectory of rapid population growth and catastrophic climate warming. Empowering women in this area is key to saving and improving countless…

  • Melting Ice banner

    “Code red for humanity”: UN climate report

    A major UN climate report was published last week, providing a dire warning about the worsening climate crisis. With the UN Secretary-General calling it a “code red for humanity”, the…

  • Heading towards collapse: two major warnings

    Updates to two landmark environmental studies were published in recent weeks: one examines the accuracy of the Club of Rome’s predictions in their bestselling 1972 book ‘Limits to Growth’, the…

  • Earth from space banner

    Earth Overshoot Day: No Plan(et) B

    Today is Earth Overshoot Day, the date on which humanity has used up all the natural resources the Earth can regenerate within a year. Despite urgent calls to avoid a…

  • Contraception Banner 2 banner

    Bill Ryerson: We can bring birth rates down fast

    Is it really easier and quicker to reduce fertility rates (the number of children per woman) than greenhous gas emissions, and what role does entertainment media play in achieving a…

  • Dawn horizon banner

    Why we must seize this chance for change

    If we’ve learnt anything from the devastating impact of COVID-19, it’s that life will never be quite the same again, which, according to conservationists Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin, opens…

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    The sixth mass extinction and the future of humanity

    Everyone is aware of the climate crisis but not many people know there is another, equally serious environmental crisis: the sixth mass extinction. Renowned ecologist and conservationist Dr Gerardo Ceballos…

  • Asian elephants banner

    Will environment groups break their silence on population?

    For International Biodiversity Day, some of Population Matters’ most authoritative and high-profile supporters have joined us in asking major environmental groups to speak out on population. Chris Packham, Gordon Buchanan and Prof William Ripple are among those who have signed a letter to the CEOs of WWF-UK, Greenpeace UK and others, urging them to accept…