: Europe Population

News from Population Matters.

  • Gilead Watch logo banner

    Welcome to Gilead: how population fears drive women’s rights abuses

    Back in March, Head of Campaigns Alistair Currie wrote about the disturbing rise in reproductive rights violations committed in the name of boosting population growth. Welcome to Gilead, Population Matters’…

  • Tractors harvesting crop banner

    Europe’s biodiversity under pressure from growing food demand

    Increasing populations lead to a subsequent increase in food demand, but how will this impact biodiversity? A recent study, published in Nature, shows the continued conversion of land to agriculture…

  • Scottish Highlands banner

    Scotland’s not-so-sustainable population policy

    Scotland has just published its first-ever national population strategy. Population Matters Director Robin Maynard takes a look and laments the disconnect between the country’s many other progressive policy positions and…

  • Crowd banner

    “Baby drought”? Let’s focus on the real COVID-19 crises

    Mainstream media is rife with alarming headlines about how the world may soon run out of babies because the pandemic has caused people to postpone or rethink having (additional) children….

  • Women at demo banner

    The Handmaid’s Reality

    Across the world, reproductive rights and women’s rights are being increasingly curtailed by governments which want to boost birth rates. Head of Campaigns Alistair Currie looks at the disturbing linkages between nationalism, “family values” and panic over population loss.

  • Womens

    Population and reproductive rights – our new briefing

    In a submission to the UK parliament, Population Matters calls for greater honesty about the population benefits of reproductive rights – and warns of the threat posed by nationalistic population policies.

  • Investing in contraception would save billions of dollars

    A new report estimates that fulfilling the unmet need for modern contraception in developing countries would save $16 billion a year in maternal healthcare by reducing the number of unintended…

  • UK Population banner

    Small island, big population – why the UK needs a Sustainable Population Policy

    With the United Kingdom already considered one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, unabated population growth poses a real threat to remaining ecosystems and human health and wellbeing….

  • Baby looking ahead banner

    Two billion fewer people?

    A new study published in The Lancet has attracted enormous attention for projecting that the global population will peak at 9.7bn in 2064 and be 8.8bn by the end of…

  • Women carrying baskets banner

    How much would it cost to end the worst gender inequalities?

    A new UN report summarises the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, a key international conference held in November 2019 which aimed to boost global progress on women’s rights and sexual and…