Resource Hub

Population Matters has been conducting research and producing briefings and government submissions for more than 20 years.

  • iCon: Apple, consumption, and the future of the planet

    A fully referenced 27-page report detailing the impact of unsustainable consumption on the planet, how Apple contributes to that impact, and what Apple – and all of us – can do about it.

  • Achieving SDG6: Water and Population

    A fully referenced briefing outlining the relationship between population and water.

  • Population Matters Annual Report 2021-22

    Population Matters is opening up the global population conversation. We’re raising awareness of the key issues, promoting available solutions and, crucially, enabling diverse voices to be heard – facilitating those…

  • Fundraising Toolkit

    You’d like to fundraise for us but aren’t sure how to go about it? Download our new Population Matters Fundraising Toolkit. This covers ideas for fundraisers including decisions to make…

  • Spring Fundraising Ideas

    Everyone loves the spring’s longer and warmer days. Everyone would love to fundraise for their chosen charity but not everyone wants to run a marathon or enter a cycle race.

  • Empower to Plan: Our Grassroots Funding Programme

    Empower to Plan is our programme supporting independent grassroots projects worldwide.

  • Crisis Point: The World at 8 Billion People

    The world’s population will hit 8 billion for the first time on 15 November 2022. But what does that actually mean for the planet? Find out here.

  • Population Matters Magazine Autumn 2022

    Your Autumn magazine highlights the amazing work of our 2022 Change Champions, we look towards a happier, healthier future and help get the population conversation going in Kenya.

  • The biodiversity crisis: Why population matters

    A fully referenced briefing outlining the relationship between population and biodiversity loss, and how ethical and empowering population solutions can help us tackle the crisis.

  • The climate crisis: Why population matters

    A fully referenced briefing outlining the relationship between population and climate change, and how ethical and empowering population solutions can help us tackle the crisis.

You can download our graphics on the campaign graphics page. Order free campaign materials including leaflets, postcards and promotional items here.

Note: Documents published by Population Matters in the past may not reflect current policies or positions.