Population Matters has been conducting research and producing briefings and government submissions for more than 20 years.
A detailed rebuttal of the assertions made by Elon Musk about population “collapse” and the threat he claims it poses to our future.
Population Matters’ strategy summary for 2021-24, including our five key goals, the pillars that underpin our work and the positive examples that – when replicated – will help make our…
Our Spring 2022 magazine introduces our Choice Ambassador Nyombi Morris, and explores our research into population ageing as well as our campaign against coercive pronatalism, Welcome to Gilead.
Population Matters’ submission in response to UK Government’s 2022 consultation on its 2030 Strategy for International Climate and Nature Action
Our downloadable form includes all the information you will need if you are considering remembering Population Matters in your will. You can find further information at https://populationmatters.org/donate-legacy/
Our Annual Report for 2020-2021
Our Annual Report for 2020-2021
Fully referenced 2021 report examining how pronatal policies are threatening reproductive rights across the world.
This is the Executive Summary of Population Matters White Paper debunking the common myth that declining fertility rates and resulting population ageing are harmful, and lays out the array of…
This Population Matters White Paper debunks the common myth that falling fertility rates and resulting population ageing are harmful, and lays out the array of benefits and opportunities associated with…
You can download our graphics on the campaign graphics page. Order free campaign materials including leaflets, postcards and promotional items here.
Note: Documents published by Population Matters in the past may not reflect current policies or positions.