Population Matters has been conducting research and producing briefings and government submissions for more than 20 years.
Direct Debit membership form available for download, print and post.
Printable version of a Gift Aid declaration form for tax efficient donations.
Annual Report 2018-19
Features World Population Day 2019, Population Declinism, an interview with Dr Edu Effiom and our new Empower to Plan project Jiwsi.
Population Matters’ submission of evidence to the UK Government’s National Food Strategy, 25 October 2019.
The principles and values that guide our work.
Population Matters’ submission regarding the Synthesis of responses to the Convention on Biodiversity discussion paper – April 2019
Our Patron Sir David Attenborough’s speaks out on the need to slow population growth; and we ask: can we sustainably feed our growing population?
Letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove regarding Convention on Biodiversity
Population Matters’ response to Notification 2018-063: Invitation for views on the preparation, scope, and content of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
You can download our graphics on the campaign graphics page. Order free campaign materials including leaflets, postcards and promotional items here.
Note: Documents published by Population Matters in the past may not reflect current policies or positions.