Fundraising Spring Actions
The longer, warmer days really open up fundraising opportunities. Population Matters Fundraising Officer, Anthony, suggests some ideas for how you can fundraise for us this spring and summer…

#Walkthismay for population matters
Walking really is one of the best forms of exercise. What’s more, May is National Walking Month in the UK! So join in with #WalkThisMay and enjoy the outdoors. Every single step requires the use of approximately 200 different muscles. It is recommended that we take 10,000 steps a day. This is the equivalent of 8km. With our global population now at 8 billion and counting, will you consider walking 8km for 8bn and raising funds for Population Matters?
Your fundraising is up to you. You can commit to walk 8km per day or per week. You could set your own walking challenge – perhaps committing to take a daily walk, or a walk every other day to spot signs of spring in a local park. Or how about walking the children or grandchildren to school for a month?
Committing to walking instead of taking the car for shorter journeys is a positive Spring Action step, reducing emissions and helping the environment. Another great thing about a walking fundraiser is that it’s so easy to take up – there’s no need to don the lycra or buy expensive equipment. Just pop on some comfortable footwear and you’re good to go! If you want to make a note of your walks, you could download a free pedometer app to your phone to keep track of your steps for you.
Please consider walking for Population Matters this spring. We’d love you to fundraise for us, just like our supporter, John Waldren, who answered our call in last year’s Spring Action Month. He completed a sponsored fell walk with his daughter and raised nearly £200 in the process.
other sporty & active challenges
While walking may be the most accessible fundraising activity, if your passion is running, cycling, swimming, or any other sport, we’d love you to raise funds for us with your chosen activity. To launch Spring Action Month 2024, Population Matters supporter, Alice Morley, will be fundraising for us by running 10k. Alice has already exceeded her fundraising target, but if you’d like to show her your support or read more about her run, you can contribute on her personal fundraising page.
Although I love to exercise, running is not my strong suit so this 10k will certainly be a challenge! . . .Your support means so much to me and will definitely help get me over the finish line.
Alice Morley, Population Matters fundraiser, UK
Could you undertake a challenge for Population Matters like Alice? Complete our online fundraising questionnaire to register your interest in any fundraising activity.
Fundraising in the community, At home, or IN work
If an active or sporty challenge is not your thing, how about an event at home, in work, or in the community? You could download our new Pop a Bun in the Oven recipe pack of thirteen recipe cards all with homemade bakes from Population Matters staff and fundraisers. The pack is downloadable for just £5 and you could even use the recipes to make bakes for a bake sale or even take a stall at a spring fair.
Another idea is our Big Spring Plant, planting and perhaps selling seedlings or mature plants for a donation to your favourite charity.
Other fundraising activities could include a quiz night, sponsored silence, coffee morning, or car boot sale.

get in touch to set up your fundraiser
You can set up a walking or other fundraising challenge online today. Other ideas can be found at www.populationmatters.org/fundraise-for-us/ or if you’d like to chat about any fundraising activity, we’d love to hear from you by email at supporters@populationmatters.org.
However you choose to engage with Spring Action Month this year, we are grateful for your support.