Get ready for spring action month 2024
For four weeks from Earth Day on 22 April until the International Day for Biodiversity on 22 May, Population Matters will again be holding our annual Spring Action Month. We encourage our supporters to undertake various Spring Actions for the benefit of our planet.

spring actions for fundraising
Read about some of the fundraising activities you could undertake this spring. From walking challenges to baking to planting. If you can’t fundraise for us this spring, please consider signing up to hold a future challenge later in the year.

spring actions for biodiversity
Learn about the simple steps we can all take to support local biodiversity this spring, including thoughts from our patron Sir David Attenborough and suggestions from other Population Matters supporters.
Spring Actions include:
- Sharing our message about our ever-increasing global human population. Get in touch with us to order campaign materials, badges, or leaflets. You could distribute these to family, friends, or colleagues or you could even take a stall at a spring fair and hand out our leaflets.
- Reviewing our work on biodiversity and the effect of our human population on the natural world. Revisit our HumaNature campaign and our Vanishing Icons report.
- Sharing our social media content and our emails about population, nature and biodiversity.
- Taking positive steps for local biodiversity with actions such as taking part in #NoMowMay and supporting local wildlife.
Population Matters need spring and summer fundraisers!
Last year during Spring Action Month 2023, supporters signed up to nature walks and road runs. Will you do something similar this year? Population Matters supporter Alice Morley opened our 2023 Spring Action Month by running a 10K in April. If sporting challenges aren’t your thing, how about taking part in Population Matters’ Big Spring Sort or Big Spring Plant? If you’re a baker, how about downloading our new Pop a Bun in the Oven set of 13 recipe cards, which are available for a small donation of £5. Perhaps you could use these recipes and organise an at home or work bake sale or take a stall at a spring fair?

If you have any ideas for a Spring Action you’d like to make please contact Anthony from our fundraising team at anthony.howarth@populationmatters.org and he will be delighted to help.
Please consider signing up to a fundraising challenge or undertake our fundraising questionnaire.
Watch out for more updates about Population Matters’ Spring Action Month from Earth Day onwards.