News from Population Matters.

  • How the world continues to fail the girl child

    Today is the International Day of the Girl Child. Abimbola Junaid, our Partnerships, Advocacy and Voice Manager, speaks to the importance of raising their voices and speaking out on behalf of girls everywhere.

  • The Ripple Effect: How Ongoing Crisis is Shaping South Sudan’s Landscape

    The ongoing Sudan crisis shows no signs of relenting. We explore the far-reaching consequences of the crisis on South Sudan, where we recently launched a new project.

  • Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash

    No consent: No choice but to marry their kidnappers

    Marriage by capture is a cruel & repugnant practice. Our Communications Officer, Florence Blondel, looks at where this under-reported type of forced marriage is still prevalent.

  • Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

    Education: The key to health, empowerment and equality

    Ekaterina Zhelenkova, researcher & doctoral candidate, discusses the importance of education to development and quality of life.

  • Talking population at the UN Water Conference

    Population Matters attended the UN Water Conference in New York to raise the critical linkage between water and population.

  • Addressing gender disparities and promoting equality

    Joan Kembabazi is the founder of the Ugandan organisation Gufasha Girls Foundation and a Population Matters Choice Ambassador. In July 2023, we were delighted to assist her to attend the Women Deliver Conference.

  • Earth Overshoot Day: Five ways we can move the date

    Every year, Earth Overshoot Day marks the day when humanity has consumed all the resources that the planet can produce over the entire year. This year it falls on 2 August.

  • International Childfree Day: Childfree Stories

    To mark this year’s International Childfree Day, we are sharing some of our favourite testimonials from Population Matters supporters who have made the choice to live their lives without having children.

  • A warning, an apology and a promise

    Decades as a medical professional and environmental activist makes Population Matters’ Patron John Guillebaud well placed to talk about population and the need for voluntary family planning and women’s education.

  • A positive nuisance

    This September, our Executive Director, Robin Maynard, will be moving on to pastures new after leading the organisation for seven years. Here, we are posting a recent interview he did with creative agency Made Thought.