
News from Population Matters.

  • When will the contraception burden be equally shared?

    The overwhelming burden for contraception still lies with the female partner. The development of male alternatives (aside from condoms and vasectomies) has been slow, due in no small part to a mindset that wants to protect men from the kind of side effects that have impacted women for decades.

  • Plastic recycling banner

    The plague of plastic, but new global treaty brings hope

    Did you know that nearly 80% of plastics end up in landfill or the ocean? That’s why this year, World Environment Day turns its focus to plastics and the practical solutions needed to solve this global problem. We asked John Higginson, editor-in-chief of Plastic Free Post, to tell us more.

  • Young girl looks in mirror, menstrual hygiene, child marriage

    Menstruation, child marriage & fertility rates: the linkages

    Globally, 66% of girls, on average, know nothing about menstruation until menarche – their first period. This injustice contributes highly to early school dropouts, child marriage, and childbearing.

  • Pronatalism in the UK: should we be worried?

    The recent NatCon convention attracted a lot of newspaper column inches and backbencher Miriam Cates made a bit of a splash with a speech focusing on the importance of having children. Is there anything to be wary about here? 

  • Springing into Action for our Planet

    Today is the International Day of Biodiversity, which marks the end of Population Matters’ Spring Action Month. What a month it has been! Here’s a quick recap of some of the highlights.

  • 6 months and 35 million more people

    6 months after 8 billion day, and we’ve added another 35 million to the world’s population. Here’s how PM has spent that 6 months.

  • We cannot wait for solutions: Choice ambassador Nyombi Morris at the UN

    PM Change Champion Nyombi Morris discusses his experience of attending the UN’s Commission for Population and Development session in New York.

  • Earth from space banner

    Sustainable population: the Earth4All approach

    Earth4All’s recent People and Planet report is the latest attempt at modelling sustainable population projections through the 21st century. It caused a number of over-hyped newspaper headlines, but are its projections of a significant fall in population by 2100 plausible?

  • Population matters at the Commission on Population & Development

    PM attended and spoke at the UN’s annual meeting on population and development this week. Learn more.

  • Breaking the Barriers: Empowering Pakistani Women

    Laraib Abid works in Pakistan to increase healthcare, family planning access and opportunities for women and girls.