News from Population Matters.
The Kibra youths protecting their communities and environment
Population Matters Campaigner Katrina Dixon reflects on what we have achieved through our Empower to Plan programme so far this year, and the continued support needed for the people of Kibra slum in Kenya.
It’s time to end harmful population denial
Polemicist and pundit George Monbiot’s recent opinion piece in The Guardian claims (once again) that addressing the population issue is “blaming the poor” and “racist”. Population Matters Director Robin Maynard replies to these unjustified and irrational accusations and explains why population denial hurts everyone, especially the world’s most vulnerable.
Earth Overshoot Day: How smaller families shrink our ecological footprint
Today is Earth Overshoot Day, the day on which humanity has used up all the natural resources that the Earth can produce within a year. This means that from tomorrow,…
Investing in contraception would save billions of dollars
A new report estimates that fulfilling the unmet need for modern contraception in developing countries would save $16 billion a year in maternal healthcare by reducing the number of unintended…
Small island, big population – why the UK needs a Sustainable Population Policy
With the United Kingdom already considered one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, unabated population growth poses a real threat to remaining ecosystems and human health and wellbeing….
Championing better choices: My work as a young population activist
The theme of this year’s International Youth Day is “Youth Engagement for Global Action”. Stella Wright, a member of the Population Matters London Local Group, is one of an increasing…
Eating the planet: what our diets and population growth mean for the environment
A new report reveals that global adoption of current food consumption patterns in G20 countries would ruin our chance of meeting climate and sustainability targets, exceeding the planetary boundary for food-related emissions…
Two billion fewer people?
A new study published in The Lancet has attracted enormous attention for projecting that the global population will peak at 9.7bn in 2064 and be 8.8bn by the end of…
World Population Day 2020 – sustainable development needs a sustainable population
Saturday 11 July marked World Population Day and for us it was the culmination of a series of digital events that we hope will encourage and inspire people to talk…
Violated rights: the governments controlling women’s bodies
China and Iran have made the headlines in the last few days for two very contrasting examples of a return to the dark ages of controlling women’s wombs. The right…