: Climate

News from Population Matters.

  • Melting Ice banner

    Speaking out on climate change

    Population Matters’ Patron, Sir David Attenborough, is spearheading ‘The People’s Seat’ at the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP24)  in Poland this December. In a short video by the UNFCC secretariat, Sir…

  • Power station pollution banner

    IPCC report: we need net zero by 2050

    A crucial new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires “rapid and far-reaching” economic transitions. Disappointingly, the report does not call for…

  • More feet more heat climate conference banner

    Empowering women and melted ice: PM conference 2018

    On Saturday, Population Matters’s 2018 conference, Climate change and Us: more feet, more heat? took place in London. Despite appalling weather in the run up to the event, hundreds of…

  • Dad/kid out banner

    Smaller families most effective action on global warming

    Last week, researchers from Lund University and the University of British Columbia published a widely reported article highlighting the top ‘high-impact’ actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon emissions and fight…

  • Farming truck banner

    Report: Population key to controlling climate change

    Analysis undertaken for a comprehensive new plan to reverse global warming, Drawdown, has identified family planning and educating girls as among the top 10 workable solutions available today. Together, they would…