: Climate

News from Population Matters.

  • Power station pollution banner

    IPCC report: we need net zero by 2050

    A crucial new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires “rapid and far-reaching” economic transitions. Disappointingly, the report does not call for…

  • More feet more heat climate conference banner

    Empowering women and melted ice: PM conference 2018

    On Saturday, Population Matters’s 2018 conference, Climate change and Us: more feet, more heat? took place in London. Despite appalling weather in the run up to the event, hundreds of…

  • Dad/kid out banner

    Smaller families most effective action on global warming

    Last week, researchers from Lund University and the University of British Columbia published a widely reported article highlighting the top ‘high-impact’ actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon emissions and fight…

  • Farming truck banner

    Report: Population key to controlling climate change

    Analysis undertaken for a comprehensive new plan to reverse global warming, Drawdown, has identified family planning and educating girls as among the top 10 workable solutions available today. Together, they would…