: Environment

News from Population Matters.

  • Change Champions 2023

    World Population Day 2023: Change Champions

    To mark World Population Day 2023, we are once again giving awards to a new group of inspirational change-makers!

  • Space to Live

    Space to Live: A Journey of Discovery

    Over 19 minutes, Nastaran Rahnama tells a beautiful story detailing her journey to discover the extent of our human impact on the natural world.

  • Plastic recycling banner

    The plague of plastic, but new global treaty brings hope

    Did you know that nearly 80% of plastics end up in landfill or the ocean? That’s why this year, World Environment Day turns its focus to plastics and the practical solutions needed to solve this global problem. We asked John Higginson, editor-in-chief of Plastic Free Post, to tell us more.

  • Talking population at the UN Water Conference

    Population Matters attended the UN Water Conference in New York to raise the critical linkage between water and population.

  • The real cost of an iPhone

    Population Matters’ new report examines how consumption is killing our planet, and how Apple, and all of us, can help to save it.

  • KOMB Green banner

    Can we meet our water needs?

    Population Matters will be taking part in the UN Water Conference in New York this week, to raise the critical linkage between water and population.

  • Journal of Population & Sustainability Jan 2023

    A planet of 8 billion and the future of humanity

    The Journal of Population and Sustainability explores all aspects of the relationship between human numbers and environmental issues.

  • Can the new global biodiversity deal do the job?

    One million species are at risk of extinction. A new international deal, the Global Framework on Biodiversity, seeks to end that crisis. We look at what the framework contains and what it doesn’t, and ask: will it work?

  • Happy Shopping?

    Where does the compulsion to buy come from? In this guest blog, Clinical Psychologist Dr Vikki Barnes explores the science behind why it feels good to shop and how to feel better without buying.

  • 8 billion people in the news

    We’re not sure the population issue has ever been quite so front-and-centre in the media as it was on 15 November this year, the day the 8 billionth human alive…