: Fundraising

News from Population Matters.

  • In celebration of summer and fundraisers!

    Ah, summer! It’s safe to say that it has finally arrived after some delay (in the UK at least!). I am really appreciative of the glorious weather right now – writing this blog post on my lunch break out in the sunshine in my garden. Glorious summer!

  • Spring action month – Thank you

    This week our second annual Spring Action Month came to a close. Thank you for taking part in various Spring Actions all over the world. During the month we received donations, welcomed new members and new supporters to our cause.

  • The merry month of may

    Well, here we are in the very merry month of May! We’re now a week into Population Matters’ Spring Action Month where we ask supporters to consider undertaking one or multiple Spring Actions to help our planet. 

  • Welcome to Spring Action Month!

    It’s that time of the year again – glorious spring! Population Matters Fundraising Officer, Anthony, suggests three key Spring Actions we would love our supporters to consider.

  • Anyone for some festive fundraising?

    With the festive season twinkling on the horizon, our thoughts turn to what is, for many, ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. For charities, the Christmas period is often the busiest time for donations and, here at Population Matters, we are no different.

  • What is Community Fundraising?

    What is community fundraising? Well, it’s just that! Encouraging and collecting funds raised by our wonderful community – you, Population Matters’ supporters and members.

  • Springing into Action for our Planet

    Today is the International Day of Biodiversity, which marks the end of Population Matters’ Spring Action Month. What a month it has been! Here’s a quick recap of some of the highlights.