
30 Years: Let’s Make it Possible

You can make a life in harmony with nature possible – for future generations and our precious planet.

The year 2021 marked Population Matters’ 30th anniversary, but more importantly, the 30-year countdown to 2050, which is one of the most significant milestones for reshaping humanity’s impact on our planet  before it’s too late.

By giving to our anniversary appeal, you’ll be investing in creating a life in harmony with nature – for current and future generations of children and countless species of wildlife – and ensure there are many years stretching ahead of our precious planet.

Our Patron, Sir David Attenborough once said:

All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder – and ultimately impossible to solve – with ever more people.

Using his words as our clarion call, we will continue to campaign for essential, positive political and individual action on population, so that we can make it possible to solve our environmental problems within the next 30 years.

You can help elevate our message of empowerment and choice-based solutions as being the key to all our futures by making a donation of £30 (or any amount you can spare) to our anniversary appeal.

Please help us ensure the next 30 years are truly transformative. Together, let’s prove that solving our environmental problems is possible. 

No one can deny that it’s been a tumultuous year that’s brought into focus a deadly imbalance between humans and nature. Now more than ever, enabling all of Earth’s species to thrive together within the next three decades (or sooner) is critical.

Across the globe, around 270 million women have an unmet need for modern contraception and many millions more suffer from persistent gender inequality. This threatens their chances of building a better future for themselves, their families and the environment around them. That’s a lot of voices we still need to listen to. We must catalyse action to empower vulnerable communities, especially disadvantaged women and girls.

In the richest parts of the world, consumption, resource use and carbon emissions per person are far, far greater than in many poorer countries. To enable fairer shares for everyone, we must reduce our consumption so we and future generations can live equitably. Wherever possible, choosing a small family is vital to making a better future possible for everyone – every person, every animal and every being on our shared planet.


You can download our Global Voices, Vital Choices anniversary poster here

When you donate to our anniversary appeal, we promise to use your contribution to:

  • Campaign for a life in harmony with nature, for future generations of children, wildlife and our one planet
  • Empower women everywhere to choose a small family
  • Encourage and celebrate small families in richer nations where the choice is already possible
  • Lobby policy makers worldwide to ensure population is included in environmental strategies
  • Listen to and promote global voices, particularly of women and girls in the Global South
  • Strive to make a better future possible, for all the species on our planet 


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