News from Population Matters.

  • Scientists Warning banner

    “Time is running out”: 15,000 scientists demand action

    15,000 scientists have signed onto a letter warning that the Earth faces environmental disaster unless action is taken to prevent it.  Their warning was published 25 years after the Union of…

  • A century of growth: latest UK population projections

    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today released its projections for population in the UK over the next 100 years. They show a slowdown in anticipated population growth in comparison to…

  • Crowd banner

    Nobel laureates: population growth a major threat

    A survey of 50 Nobel laureates has found that many recognise population growth to be among the greatest threats to humanity today. A survey carried out by Times Higher Education, in association…

  • Mom kids in field banner

    Global initiatives support smaller families

    Accelerated population growth poses major challenges worldwide, especially for countries with high growth and few resources to cope. In response to these pressures, initiatives across the globe are underway to…

  • Dad/kid out banner

    Smaller families most effective action on global warming

    Last week, researchers from Lund University and the University of British Columbia published a widely reported article highlighting the top ‘high-impact’ actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon emissions and fight…

  • Meet Big Foot

    In a week in which scientists warned that other species are facing “biological annihilation”, Population Matters is urging organisations which educate the public about natural history to stop pulling their punches and tell people what’s really going on.

  • African women banner

    Africa: Demographic dividend or population disaster?

    By 2050, more than half of the anticipated growth in global population is expected to occur in Africa. While some leaders see this as an economic opportunity, others can sense a…

  • London tube

    UK population growth highest in 70 years

    Last week, the Office for National Statistics released its mid-2016 Population Estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These statistics reveal that the number of people residing in…

  • Ghana street banner

    16bn or 7.3bn in 2100? New UN figures say both possible

    The United Nations has today released new projections for global population growth up until 2100. Issued every two years, the projections for 2017 show slight increases over those produced in…

  • Farming truck banner

    Report: Population key to controlling climate change

    Analysis undertaken for a comprehensive new plan to reverse global warming, Drawdown, has identified family planning and educating girls as among the top 10 workable solutions available today. Together, they would…