News from Population Matters.
Too fast, too slow, just right? The UN’s 2022 population projections
Published today, the long-awaited United Nations global population projections are causing plenty of debate. Should we worry about too many people or too few? Do they mean salvation or catastrophe,…
“I was refused for years”: accessing permanent birth control
A few weeks ago, we shared a Buzzfeed article on our Facebook page about a woman celebrating her long-awaited sterilisation. The article resonated with a lot of our followers, mostly…
Four key ways in which human and environmental health are linked
The way we are treating the planet is not just bad for the environment – we are actively undermining our own health and well-being too. This year’s World Health Day…
Conservation through education and family planning: Reporting from Colombia
Between July 2021 and February 2022, Empower to Plan supported Women for Conservation in the provision of environmental education workshops and family planning clinics in biodiversity hotspots of Colombia. Our…
One river, many tributaries: Talking population in Kenya
This month, Population Matters Director Robin Maynard attended the Population Conversation Symposium in Kilifi, Kenya. This key event, organised by local public health consultancy WellSense and supported by PM, brought…
Reflections on motherhood
On UK Mothers’ Day, Population Matters Communications Officer Florence Blondel reflects on being a new mother, harmful social expectations and pressures, her childhood in Uganda, and the power of choice….
Between the bedrock and a hard place: the future of groundwater
Today is World Water Day, a global observance day to raise awareness of water-related issues and inspire action to preserve this most precious of resources. This year’s theme is ‘Groundwater,…
Empower women, save the planet
Today is International Women’s Day with the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. The event aims to showcase how critical advancing women’s rights is to solving our environmental…
Squeezing out the wild things
Today is World Wildlife Day, the most important annual observance day dedicated to wild species. This year, it will be marked under the theme of ‘Recovering key species for ecosystem…
Fat cats and fossil fuel companies: who’s to blame for climate change?
The richest people drive climate change. But who are “the rich” and does that mean population doesn’t matter? We examine the evidence on climate equality.