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News from Population Matters.

  • Sheep banner

    UK nature under assault: failed biodiversity targets and water stress

    The United Kingdom is already one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, yet the onslaught on our natural environment is showing no signs of slowing while human population…

  • Mining banner

    Population and consumption causing extinction crisis and water shortage

    The latest Global Resources Outlook report by the United Nations Environment Programme shows that humanity is now using three times as many natural resources as during the 1970’s, resulting in…

  • Monkeys banner

    Calling for action on biodiversity

    Population Matters has written to the UK minister for the environment to ask him to press for human population growth to be addressed in plans to update the key international…

  • Teens studying banner

    Gender equality boosts teen contraceptive use

    A new study published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health shows that a country’s progress towards gender equity is reflected in greater use of contraceptives among its adolescents. Previous research…

  • Power station pollution banner

    Crisis? What crisis? Government complacency on environment

    The UK and Scottish Governments have responded to a letter from Population Matters seeking action to address the current environmental crisis with platitudes and complacency. In the case of the…

  • Seafood crates banner

    Study: we’re eating large animals to extinction

    A study published this month in Conservation Letters found that three out of five of the world’s large wild animals are threatened with extinction, mainly due to direct harvesting by…

  • Global risks: where does population rank?

    An online survey of over 10,000 adults across nine countries found that more than two thirds of respondents consider population growth a “global catastrophic risk”. However, less than a quarter…

  • Ghana street banner

    Will the world run out of people?

    Empty Planet by Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson makes the startling claim that far from increasing by billions as experts predict, global population will peak below 9 billion and start…

  • Two women walking banner

    Family planning gets European funding boost

    Funding for sexual health and family planning from European donor countries increased by 17% between 2016 and 2017, with the UK remaining one of the largest donors. The latest annual…

  • Child marriage Ethiopia banner

    Stigma and fears – barriers to family planning in Africa

    A new study shows again the high “unmet need” for modern contraception among young, married women in sub-Saharan Africa – and identifies social and cultural bariers as significant reasons for…