: Development

News from Population Matters.

  • Population matters at the Commission on Population & Development

    PM attended and spoke at the UN’s annual meeting on population and development this week. Learn more.

  • Talking population at the UN Water Conference

    Population Matters attended the UN Water Conference in New York to raise the critical linkage between water and population.

  • KOMB Green banner

    Can we meet our water needs?

    Population Matters will be taking part in the UN Water Conference in New York this week, to raise the critical linkage between water and population.

  • Lowering infant mortality will lower population growth

    A recent paper published by a group of Australian academics has found that reducing infant mortality rates will lower global population growth. Their answer: better access to contraception and family planning.

  • Polarised access to contraception in Europe

    Each year the European Contraception Policy Atlas is published by the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights (EPF). Last week, their 2023 version was released and we were in (online) attendance at the launch event in the European Parliament.

  • There are no climate change sceptics here! 

    Sani Ayouba is from Niger and runs the local branch of an African youth climate activism network, JVE. In this guest blog, he talks about the challenges he faced growing up, his childhood dreams and the important work he’s engaged in today.

  • Is population growth yesterday’s problem?

    At Population Matters, we’re often told that population growth is no longer a going concern. But is that really the case?

  • Crowd banner

    Conspiracy chaos: coronavirus, Bill Gates, the UN and population

    Over recent years, a growing proportion of Population Matters’ website traffic has been driven by rather odd search terms including “Bill Gates depopulation”, “Agenda 2030 population control”, and “depopulation coronavirus…

  • Family Planning is all about families getting ahead

    The Turimiquire Foundation in Venezuela, our Empower to Plan partner, is working hard to reach some of Latin America’s most marginalised communities. As Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis rages on, the organisation shares why family planning is so important for improving people’s lives and protecting the environment.

  • Family Planning, Sex Education and so much more

    Last week in Pattaya City, Thailand, Population Matters sponsored and participated in the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP). A community of 3,500 people travelled from across the world to…