News from Population Matters.
UN report: Small change in family size, big change in future population
According to new UN data, the world’s population is projected to grow by more than 3 billion people by the end of the century, increasing from the current 7.7 bn…
Are we getting through?
Last June, we wrote a news article reporting a sudden increase in media coverage for population issue. That momentum has continued. For years a taboo subject, the dangers of unsustainable…
Small families around the world share their thoughts
We asked people why they chose to have small families and were overwhelmed by the hundreds of testimonials we received from around the world. Both parents and child-free people shared…
One million species face extinction unless we address population growth
A major new UN report on the state of the world’s biodiversity grabbed headlines this week with its alarming message that nature is being destroyed faster than ever before. Three-quarters…
Letting the elephant out of the room: Our 2019 Conference
Population Matters’ public conference in London this past Saturday left attendees feeling enlightened and inspired. Following a successful first conference last year on human population and climate change, this year’s…
Human population growth squeezing out Serengeti wildlife, study shows
A new study published in the journal Science reveals that rapid human population growth along the edge of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem is squeezing out wildlife and damaging the ecosystem, despite…
Population growth slows progress towards Sustainable Development Goals, says UN
The world is not on track to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals because efforts to implement them have not kept pace with rapid human population growth, according to the United Nations….
UK nature under assault: failed biodiversity targets and water stress
The United Kingdom is already one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, yet the onslaught on our natural environment is showing no signs of slowing while human population…
Population and consumption causing extinction crisis and water shortage
The latest Global Resources Outlook report by the United Nations Environment Programme shows that humanity is now using three times as many natural resources as during the 1970’s, resulting in…
Calling for action on biodiversity
Population Matters has written to the UK minister for the environment to ask him to press for human population growth to be addressed in plans to update the key international…