: Biodiversity

News from Population Matters.

  • Seafood crates banner

    The ‘blue acceleration’: ocean plunder in the Anthropocene

    A new study highlights the rapidly increasing pressure on the world’s oceans as a result of human population growth and burgeoning demand for resources. The paper, published in One Earth,…

  • Asian elephants banner

    Wildlife habitat crumbling under weight of human footprint

    A new study shows that the majority land-dwelling vertebrate species are now under intense human pressure due to population growth and land use change. The study, published in Global Ecology and Conservation, examines the human…

  • Mexico City crowd banner

    Chris Packham: we need to talk about population

    In a powerful BBC documentary broadcast this week, Population Matters patron Chris Packham examined the challenges of population growth, and made an impassioned plea for “the elephant in the room”…

  • Sunlit trees banner

    Here’s why 2020 could be a ‘super-year’ for nature

    Despite the climate and biodiversity crises continuing to escalate, environmentalists are calling 2020 a ‘super-year’ for nature because of several upcoming international policy meetings that have the potential to set nature…

  • Membership banner

    2019 Year in Review

    PM director Robin Maynard reviews the year. To steal Ervin Drake’s Christmas song made famous by Frank Sinatra, ‘It was a very good year’ for Population Matters. Our Annual Report…

  • Bumblebee banner

    UK biodiversity report: more of us, less of them

    The latest edition of the most authoritative report on biodiversity in the UK has just been released – State of Nature 2019. The 2016 version described the UK as “one…

  • Wildlife conservation is incompatible with human population growth

    A major analysis found that wild animals in lower income countries benefit from social development (including improved gender equality) and economic growth, while human population growth consistently causes wildlife loss. The new study, published…

  • NYC banner

    US loses ‘football field’ worth of nature every 30 seconds

    A new report from the Center for American Progress (CAP) reveals that more than 24 million acres of nature have been lost from the contiguous United States between 2001 and…

  • WPD 2019 mosaic banner

    Going global on World Population Day

    This World Population Day, 11 July 2019, Population Matters went global by running events in three continents. Thanks to our supporters and allies, we had a very successful day in…

  • Population Breakthrough Appeal banner

    Sustainable development needs sustainable population

    Placeholder lead On World Population Day 2019, Population Matters is launching our new petition calling on United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres to turn the UN’s attention to the need for…