: Environment

News from Population Matters.

  • cows grazing banner

    Chris Packham speaks out on impact of population

    The Times published an edited version of this article on 9 January 2017. Here is the piece in full.  Population growth is stifling our green and pleasant land by Population Matters…

  • Nature forest banner

    WWF: we are facing the next global mass extinction

    The 2016 Living Planet report published by WWF today pulls no punches in describing the devastation to our natural world caused by human activity. The report calculates that by 2020 populations of…

  • Monkeys banner

    State of Nature report overlooks population growth impact

    On September 14th, more than 50 nature conservation and research organisations published the 2016 State of Nature report. The report found evidence of significant losses in biodiversity in the UK but overlooked the…

  • Cracked earth banner

    Porritt on British e-NGOs and population

    It doesn’t take too long to open up incredibly divisive discussions about population, development and the environment. For instance, how would you respond to the following facts? 25 years ago,…