: Families

News from Population Matters.

  • Tower Bridge banner

    Small families help slow UK population growth

    New UK population estimates reveal a continued reduction in the growth rate, largely driven by fewer births as a result of people choosing to have smaller families. Fewer births, better…

  • Study: preference for small families is ‘contagious’

    As highly social creatures, much of what we say and do is influenced by the people close to us. A new paper examines this effect on family size and consumption behaviour…

  • Mexico City crowd banner

    Chris Packham: we need to talk about population

    In a powerful BBC documentary broadcast this week, Population Matters patron Chris Packham examined the challenges of population growth, and made an impassioned plea for “the elephant in the room”…

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    2019 Year in Review

    PM director Robin Maynard reviews the year. To steal Ervin Drake’s Christmas song made famous by Frank Sinatra, ‘It was a very good year’ for Population Matters. Our Annual Report…

  • Ugandan family on bike banner

    Cracking knuckles and counting kids

    Population Matters’ Campaigns and Projects Officer, Florence Blondel, reflects on her family life in Uganda, and the changes she sees coming. There was a time when I would start to…

  • London crowd banner

    A limit on royal babies? Prince Harry thinks small families are best, public agrees

    Prince Harry’s recent comments on choosing a small family for the sake of the planet caused a welcome swell in media coverage of population issues and enquiries for Population Matters…

  • NASA Earth banner

    Mission Earth, not Mars

    Population Matters Director Robin Maynard challenges Elon Musk’s claim that the “real issue” is not overpopulation but an “ageing and declining population”. Few would question Elon Musk’s extraordinary achievements as…

  • Condoms cut carbon banner

    Condoms cut carbon – Population Matters at the Mass Climate Lobby

    Decked in giant condom robes, Population Matters and supporters attended the mass lobby for climate and the environment in London yesterday, highlighting the urgent need for smaller families. Around 12,000…

  • Mother and child walking banner

    Small families around the world share their thoughts

    We asked people why they chose to have small families and were overwhelmed by the hundreds of testimonials we received from around the world. Both parents and child-free people shared…

  • Baby looking ahead banner

    What do declining global fertility rates really mean?

    A new study published in The Lancet has highlighted how fertility rates have declined over the last generation. There are no significant surprises in the report – which uses slightly…